The City Of Tucson Gets A New Top Dog. Is He Enough Of A Leader To Handle The Job?
By Dave Devine
WHEN LUIS Gutierrez moves his chair into the city manager's
office at the end of the month, what changes in administrative
style from the tumultuous years of Michael Brown's reign can we
A more locally knowledgeable, calmer administration, if a survey
of local leaders is accurate.
Gutierrez replaces Brown on November 30, after Brown was pushed
to move on by Mayor George Miller and council members Steve Leal
and José Ybarra. Brown's administration was known for its
dictatorial style, his demands for hard work and long hours from
upper-level management, and his frequent temper flare-ups. Brown
is also a man famous for his enormous ego.
That's certainly not a trait of Gutierrez. A Tucsonan through
and through, Gutierrez's style, according to Jaime Gibbons of
the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, is "quiet, in an effective
way." Gibbons characterizes Gutierrez as persistent and knowledgeable
about both local issues and the people within city government.
Gibbons also says Gutierrez has been very helpful about business
matters in the past.
Former City Councilman Bruce Wheeler echoes those sentiments.
He calls Gutierrez "fair, down-to-earth" and believes
he'll be far superior to Brown as city manager. Wheeler says Brown
was divisive, and predicts Gutierrez will be much better.
Also hopeful for the next administration is Sharon Chadwick,
a long-time neighborhood-based activist who's seen several city
managers come and go. She believes Gutierrez will be better than
Brown in running the city, in part because she feels there'll
be fewer outsiders involved in the city administration. Plus,
she adds, Gutierrez will be more interested in hiring local people
than Brown was.
But some questions remain about a Gutierrez administration. One
is how he'll approach the contentious issue of Central Arizona
Project water. Another is how he'll deal with the chaos in the
administration of the Tucson Water Department.
The top-level management of the department is on "special
assignment," in other words, looking for other jobs while
being pressured to resign. This has resulted in a leaderless department
without clear direction. Combined with the deep philosophical
split on the City Council about how to handle the CAP issue, the
lack of leadership has left Tucson Water adrift for a long time.
Gutierrez's managerial style of heavily relying on the advice
of department heads, as opposed to Brown's dictatorial manner,
could pose real problems in this critical area. Without anyone
in charge at Tucson Water, who will Gutierrez look to for advice
about how to handle CAP and other water-related issues?
Elinor Marcek, chair of Citizens for Quality Water, a group which
has been outspoken in its complaints about Tucson Water, believes
Gutierrez is well appraised of the water situation. But, she adds,
he's never said anything to her about possible solutions.
Marcek hopes Gutierrez will be an improvement over Brown in the
handling of Tucson's water woes. She says Brown didn't know much
about water issues and that what's needed is a professional water
expert to head Tucson Water. An attempt to do that failed under
Brown, many believe because he insisted on dictating water policy
from his office. But the need, according to Marcek, still exists.
Two other organizations the new City Manager will have to deal
with are labor unions representing different groups of city employees.
With a growing budget crunch facing the city in the next few years,
the cooperation from these unions will be essential in keeping
city spending under control.
Richard Anemone, head of the Tucson Police Officers Association,
says he hasn't had many dealings with Gutierrez. But in those
he's had, Anemone says he's found Gutierrez to be professional
and courteous, qualities he believes are needed in a city manager.
Anemone says there was a good atmosphere coming from Brown's office
in labor negotiations, and adds he's looking forward to dealing
with Gutierrez.
Ray Figueroa, local field services director of the American
Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Council 97,
says he'll take a wait-and-see approach to a Gutierrez administration.
Figueroa says Gutierrez's long-time involvement with the city
and his awareness of local history are benefits. But he hasn't
met with Gutierrez since his appointment, so he remains cautious.
Brown, according to Figueroa, was willing to listen to his requests
but might not have agreed with them. Figueroa is hoping he can
count on at least the same from Gutierrez.
City-employee raises and other budget problems will be among
Gutierrez's top problems in the coming months. While the city
council spends money like the financial liberals they are, a local
economic slowdown combined with enormous environmental cleanup
costs will force some tough decisions. How Gutierrez will propose
to deal with this potentially volatile situation remains to be
While most people seemed pleased with Gutierrez's appointment,
some cautionary notes have been sounded by city hall insiders
who wish to remain anonymous. One potential problem is the new
manager's mellow, laid-back style. This, they fear, will result
in a reversal of Brown's demand for excellence in management.
Others believe Gutierrez is too much of a defender of the staff
and not enough of a leader.
A final concern voiced by many is his relationship with the Pima
County Interfaith Council, a collection of primarily church-based
social activists. A comment heard repeatedly inside city hall
is that when it comes to social and neighborhood programs, Gutierrez
takes direction from PCIC.