
BETTER OFF TED: Some two-odd years ago, The Weekly ran
a cover story called "Quit Your Job," written by former
working-stiff Ted Rall. His story, which we thought was
cute and sort of relevant, stated that our lives revolve around
the misconception that the work we do is of some import, and furthermore,
that the technology intended to make our lives easier has actually
increased the average work day. His thoughtful analysis of this
endemic problem here at the close of the century was that, well,
"work is stupid," and everyone who was fed up with it
should just quit. At least, that's what some people thought he
was saying...Some people who wrote in really angry letters when
they read that story.
Perhaps the angry letter writers will gloat; but for good
or ill, here's what ol' Ted's been up to in the last couple years
of discovering the color of his parachute. At first introduction
to our readership, Rall had already left his $32,000 salaried
job as a financial analyst in a windowless office in San Francisco
to eke out a living as a cartoonist, his strip and other musings
appearing regularly in Might magazine.
Might is now out of business. But Rall seems to have landed
on his feet as an award-winning, nationally syndicated writer
and cartoonist. That's right, naysayers. Rall quit the good life
to make desk calendars. With cartoons. One for every day of the
year. They have jokes about corporate hegemony, middle managers,
politics, religion, sex, you name it. And he's making more money
now than he would've made after years analyzing other people's
You'll probably see Is There Life Before Death?
on some friend's desk, in some cubicle, somewhere in America,
and you'll probably copy some random page and staple it to your
blue-gray divider wall with the tacky surface. When you do, remember
he's really a subversive. He's really saying, "Hey, you.
Get the hell outta here!" That could be the defining moment
separating those who read the words from those who just like to
look at the pictures.
Oh, and if you aren't impressed with the desk calendar, keep
an eye out for Revenge of the Latch-Key Kids, a
collection of essays and cartoons about (in the author's words)
"the collapse of American institutions," due out in
spring of 1998 from Workman Publishing. Other evidence of Rall's
continuing crusade of irreverence include the graphic novel The
Worst Thing I've Ever Done! (which won a Firecracker Alternative
Book Award), and regular features in P.O.V. and Maximum
RocknRoll magazines. And by the way, he was one of three finalists
for a 1996 Pulitzer Prize. Three cheers for Ted! We can't wait
to see what kind of trouble he stirs up next.
WATCH THE SCREENS: The X-Files has been losing
altitude for a couple years now, culminating in this year's virtually
unwatchable two-part season premiere. But for our money, the best
episode of X-Files in recent memory was "José
Chung's From Outer Space," in which sci-fi author
José Chung (loosely based on Whitley Strieber and
delightfully portrayed by Hollywood Squares celeb Charles
Nelson Reilly) tried to sort out the different perspectives
of an alien abduction. Penned by Darren Morgan, the multi-leveled
episode cleverly weaved just about every imaginable bit of extraterrestrial
folklore from alien autopsies to the Men in Black, simultaneously
skewering the UFO community and telling a provocative, chilling
and hysterical story.
José Chung crosses over into X-Files creator Chris
Carter's other Fox series, Millennium, this Friday
at 8 p.m. on KMSB-TV, Channel 11. From what we hear, the episode
(also written by Morgan) revolves around the empty-faced Frank
Black's investigation into "Selfology," a nouveau religion
loosely based on Scientology, sci-fi author L. Ron Hubbard's elaborate
wacko cult/tax dodge. (But not so loosely that Scientologists
didn't demand some script changes, at least according to a website
we browsed awhile back--and to which we recently tried to return
for more details, only to discover the page wouldn't load. Oh,
how we loooove the Internet!)
But we digress. Tune in for what we expect will be a bundle of
laughs, hopefully at the expense of Scientologists. Unless, of
course, they use their vast mental powers to disintegrate our
television sets.
FALL HARVEST: Authors Barbara Kingsolver, Gary
Paul Nabhan, Richard Nelson and Ofelia Zepeda
read from recent works at 7 p.m. Friday, November 21, at the Berger
Performing Arts Center, 1200 W. Speedway. The reading, entitled
Voices of The Land, is a benefit for Native Seeds/SEARCH,
a regional conservation organization. Admission is $8 advance,
$10 at the door. Call 622-5561 for information.
Another literary benefit to celebrate this week is the first
year anniversary of Border Beat: The Border Arts Journal,
brought to you every month by Jim Caravallo, the energetic
autodidact of his own publishing empire. A host of talent kicks
off the festivities at 8 p.m. Friday, November 21, José
Galvez Gallery, 743 N. Fourth Ave., with readings by Demetria
Martinez, Tom Miller, Brian Laird, Patricia
Preciado Martin, Susana de la Peña and Gayle
Jandrey, among others. Admission is free.
Other events this weekend include "The Bullfight" and
"Border Ballads," an afternoon of ambiente taurinos
followed by an evening of excellent live music by John Coinman,
Andrew Hardin and Tom Russell. The former begins
at 2 p.m. and the latter at 8 p.m. at the Temple of Music and
Art Cabaret Theater, 330 S. Scott Ave. For event and ticket information,
see this week's the Literature section in this week's City Week
listings, or call 321-0928.