It's Time The Opponents Of The Water Consumer Protection Act Learned To Compromise.
By Emil Franzi
FORMER CONSTABLE and lifer Marine Steve Sherrick has always
been a great fountainhead of fundamental wisdom. Back in his rowdy
days, before he married Paula and settled down, Steve used to
pick up a lot of extra money arm-wrestling guys. His arms are
bigger than most people's thighs, and he probably would've been
an Olympic weightlifter if he'd chosen that career.
Steve would sit down at a bar or a car hood, lock-up with the
other guy, and put him down in less than a second. That would
always draw a look of incredulity from the vanquished, who would
invariably ask, "Can we try again?" Steve would agree
and repeat the performance.
"You always gotta beat 'em twice--otherwise they think it's
a fluke," says Big Steve.
That principle applies to politics. The proponents of 1997's
Prop 201 have now been beaten twice, so maybe it's time for them
to reconsider some of their assertions and consider genuine compromises
with the victors.
There's a lot of pop-psych babble going around over "conflict
resolution." The best--and often the only--way to resolve
a conflict is for one side to kick the living shit out of the
other. That's what brings about real compromise--when one side
recognizes it has to back down or get stomped some more.
We hope the proponents of Prop 201 recognize this. The people
of Tucson have now spoken twice.
While many of the claims on both sides of Prop 201 were deceptive
and outrageous, there was some merit in the arguments of some
of the proponents. We can't endlessly pump our groundwater, Subsidence
problems are real. We really don't know how much recharge will
cost. And CAP water sent directly into our aquifer will eventually
reduce its quality.
What we really have isn't a water problem--it's a too-damn-many-people
What the 201 supporters failed to recognize: The public is fed
up with every issue--from water to roads--being designed to accommodate
the Growth Lobby. The public is telling us they want policies
designed to accommodate them and not some family in Ohio
who might move here in the future. This cannot be done without
first implementing restrained-growth policies.
Restrained growth isn't--as some pretend--no-growth. It simply
means--as Ann Holden so eloquently and simply stated in her 1996
county supervisor's race--that you quit encouraging it, quit subsidizing
it and quit believing it's good for you.
That principle applies to water. Intelligent water policies can
be designed, but they must take into account the simple fact that
this a desert. We can't continue to maintain massive population
growth without ever-higher taxes, water costs, and the debilitation
of the lifestyles of current residents. And most of the current
residents have figured that out.
There is no question that whatever we do, it won't be cheap.
The CAP was designed as a subsidy for farms and the mines. To
take them off groundwater may well mean we have to subsidize them
some more. Life is a series of imperfect options. Present residents
and taxpayers will have to cough up just to cover the costs of
all the growth we've already had.
And those industries that make up the Growth Lobby are going
to have to grasp that they're working in a diminishing political
market and it's time to back off. They've blown enough elections
for even the slowest-witted cementhead to detect a trend. They
need to figure out how to make a reasonable profit and knock off
the greed. There's enough land zoned for high density in this
valley right now to hold the entire population of several small
states. The problem is the costs of infrastructure all that growth
will bring, from roads to schools to water. Accelerate that growth
and watch the costs rise even more; retard growth and reduce the
The days of buying politicians and pimping ballot props are over
because the public has wised up. It just doesn't work any more.
Hopefully, the Growth Lobby's leaders will grasp this.
Hopefully. There were a few really dense dudes Big Steve had
to beat three times.