A CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP: Rumors have been floating around
City of Tucson offices of late that Wick Communications,
publisher of the Daily Territorial and Inside Tucson
Business, are about to buy the Tucson Weekly.
At this time, we wish to confirm those rumors.
In order to smooth the transition to new ownership, Weekly
staffers will be going out into the community in the next
few days to communicate our deep and abiding respect for developers,
the banks that finance them, the politicians who serve their interests,
as well as the large, national chains that profit from Tucson's
glorious, rapid-fire growth machine. Oh, and we'll be doing our
best to celebrate the rich, powerful and successful in all walks
of life, a much-needed public service now that Tucson Monthly
is ceasing publication.
You see, dear reader, after years of banging our heads against
what we have erroneously perceived to be an iron wall of money,
greed and power, we now realize our mistake: Newspapers are supposed
to promote the status quo! Silly us for thinking otherwise.
We wish to apologize to all the important people we've offended
over the years here in The Skinny, and assure them that
soon this space will be filled exclusively with positive news
from the Chamber of Commerce and delightful tidbits from Tucson's
wonderful public-relations community, just like all the other
tabloids and dailies in town. Yes, we're finally joining the ranks
of the "big boys" who do "serious journalism."
We hope you'll enjoy The New Tucson Weekly, as we'll be
calling ourselves in just a few short weeks!
In the meantime, we have to use up some of our Skinny backlog,
so please pardon our obsessive and totally unproductive negativity.
DUPED AGAIN: Guess Arizona voters sure are dumb--they reaffirmed
their decision to change the state's drug policies by supporting
the medical use of marijuana, as well as treatment, rather than
prison for first-time drug offenders.
We haven't heard as much from our elected officials about how
we were duped into supporting the law by a slick advertising campaign,
as we did when we passed the law the first time in 1996. Maybe
that's because the issue seems to win in any state where it's
on the ballot--a real problem for the drug warriors in Washington
who keep trying to warn us of the dangers of the Demon Weed.
Frankly, we think if the voters were duped by a slick advertising
campaign this year, it was by the Growing Smarter referendum lawmakers
put in front of us. Wonder if our public servants will be talking
about the need to repeal that one during the legislative session?
AMPHI ACTION: It wasn't even close in the Amphitheater
School District last week--voters overwhelmingly backed newcomer
Ken Smith and drove Board President Mike Bernal
right out of office. If there had been a second challenger for
voters to choose, Amphi Board Member Gary Woodard would
have been carried out on a stretcher as well.
But Woodard was able to hang onto his seat, although he trailed
Smith by thousands of votes on Election Day. That means Woodard
will be able to dominate the board if his longtime allies, Virginia
Houston and Richard Scott, continue to back him against
Smith and Nancy Young Wright, who has been a voice of dissent
on the Amphi Board since her election in 1996. Look for Woodard
to become board president on the 3-2 vote when the new board takes
office in January.
Amphi taxpayers clearly want changes in the district--starting
with restoring their right to address the Board in a call-to-the-audience
segment at the beginning of meetings. But will the Board majority
listen? Or will they just dig in their heels and continue rendering
the same lousy decisions that finished Bernal this year?
ONLY A START AT TUSD: The clean-up at the Tucson Unified
School District began with the November 3 election victories
of Rosalie Lopez and Carolyn Kemmeries. But much
work is needed.
Too bad voters were deprived, because of staggered terms, of
the pleasure of throwing them all out. Incumbents the Rev. Joel
Tracy Ireland and James Noel Christ have contributed
mightily to this awful district's myriad problems.
We gladly accept the Kemmeries landslide (thanks mostly to Laura
Almquist, Kemmeries commandeered 23 percent of the vote in
the nine-person race for two seats). Lopez received 14 percent
while defying the incredible odds of winning a seat without the
help of the goons from the Tucson Education Association or the
American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees.
Voters sent a clear message Tuesday: TUSD is a mess and it starts
with the Board.
Kemmeries has brains, excellent experience and a good, self-deprecating
sense of humor. Lopez's election is poetic justice. A 1972 Pueblo
High grad, she has battled the recalcitrant TUSD on a variety
of issues ever since she gave up a full-time law practice in Houston
to come home.
In two years, voters in search of a better Board should consider
adding Judy Burns, the deadpan populist and funny hippie
who knows the district inside and out; Jesus Zapata, a
strong advocate for the working and underclass; and Diane Carrillo,
a one-time Kemmeries student who has worked as a teacher, coach
and principal in TUSD for 31 years. Such a lineup would neutralize
the cliques and blocs that leftover board members Mary Belle
McCorkle, Christ and Ireland are now fomenting.
What's truly amazing is that a dithering and distracted Arizona
Daily Star runs to Ireland for election reaction. This is
the same idiot who lied to the Star and who sued the newspaper,
seeking unheard-of censorship and prior restraint.
The Star and Tucson Citizen were busy with overwrought
analysis on how this new Board will get along beginning in January.
Ireland did a good job of trying to poison everything, while McCorkle
and Dumbbell Christ want to have a retreat. Where? At The Shanty?
Get real. And get ready to invite the public and the press. You
idiots can't have any meeting of a quorum without us. We thought
you remembered that Brenda Even, out as of December 31,
tried that when she was new to the Board.
Kemmeries had a stupid idea on the campaign trail when proposing
how Board members could get along, not meddle and do a better
job: attend school-board training in Phoenix with the Superintendent
of Public Instruction. But why should taxpayers have to eat those
costs for the three multi-term incumbents?
Now the prissy Star is fretting over Lopez's frankness,
specifically because she has the guts to say that the Star's
darling, Superintendent George Garcia, must improve or
he's out. What's wrong with expecting your highly paid CEO to
be more than be the world's tallest amoeba? He needs to lead.
He needs to act. He needs to be strong in his recommendations
rather than timidly and constantly searching for three votes.
Finally, both the rotten TUSD and rotten Amphi districts must
stop the electioneering and political games by Board members,
candidates and employees--all of whom should be focused on their
jobs rather than misusing staff, tax dollars and school property
for campaign propaganda and strong-arming. Because of the abuses,
widespread in both districts and from official hands, TUSD and
Amphi ought to implement stiff new rules on political activity.
YOU GO, GIRL: Fresh off a losing, fourth-place finish in
her hopeless bid for re-election, Gloria Copeland will
use at least $1,395 in TUSD tax money to attend the week-long
National Alliance of Black School Educators conference in San
Diego beginning November 16. Gloria's lame-duck reward includes
$162 for travel, $595 ($85 a night) for hotel, $400 for registration,
and $238 ($34 a day) for eats.
That $1,400 is a drop in the TUSD budget bucket, but it would
buy a lot of pencils, paper and the other classroom supplies TUSD
cries it cannot afford to provide its children. Why is it being
spent for an ousted Board member to travel?
Copeland may go out with a bang. Talking with buddy John C.
Scott on KTKT radio the day after the election, Gloria said
she would now be free to speak out against some dirty abuses and
pilfering within TUSD. She claims administrators misspent public
funds, including some for personal gain. And she says she knows
that Mary Belle McCorkle is really different from the media-created
image of a squeaky-clean Board member.
We must say--and this will seem mighty strange coming from us--that
Gloria will be missed. She deserved her seat four years ago. Too
bad she became too overbearing, too angry and too bullying. And
it's too bad she was taken in by Brenda Even and Joel
Ireland and thoroughly misled.
She remains a necessary thorn in TUSD's side and deserves some
role on some TUSD committees.
DAWN OF A NEW DAY? Wanna know how bad it's really gotten
in the state Legislature? Tucson Sen. Ann Day has been
chosen by her GOP colleagues as the Senate Majority Whip, the
No. 3 person in the Senate leadership. Sounds like that makes
Day, one of our flakiest public officials, a real leader.
Wrong. The Senate is now composed of 16 Republicans and 14 Democrats,
which means the Republican majority will need every vote it can
get. The Whip's main job is to round up party colleagues to vote
with the leadership. The real reason they gave Day the job, our
spies tell us, is because the leadership sees her as such a flake
they think this move will at least ensure they get the one vote
most likely to stray--hers.
And Sen. Flake is still making noises about running for the Board
of Supes next year when she's term-limited out of her present
job. She's looking at District 1, currently held by her equally
flaky GOP colleague Mikey Boyd. Boyd is now saying he might
run for the Corporation Commission in 2000. God help us all.
Maybe they could schedule a joint fund-raising event at the Waffle
House. And maybe the local GOP can market them by placing their
photos in the cereal section of supermarkets.
AND SPEAKING OF FLAKY VOTES: It wasn't your biggest rezoning,
but it was symbolic as hell. By a four-to-one vote, with Sharon
Bronson dissenting, the Pima County Supervisors have approved
68 new homes for the 23-acre parcel near Oracle Jaynes and Shannon
roads. Estes Homes, now part of a national operation and no longer
a local company, owns the property.
Amphi School District officials did their usual shill job for
the developers, claiming the neighboring schools can handle the
additional people Yeah, right--tell that to the parents of the
kids who are already in the portables at Lulu Walker Elementary.
And how about the bazillion apartments down the road at River
and La Cholla that the last board rezoned for legendary land speculator
Don Diamond?
Supervisor Ray Carroll excused his Estes vote by claiming
the project is "infill." And Supe Raul Grijalva
quietly went along, leaving Bronson standing out there all alone.
Well, what the hell--it's her district. But the "infill"
argument doesn't mean squat to the neighbors who'll now face even
more crowding in schools already packed full to bursting. And
once again Amphi School District bureaucrats have proved they're
just another cog in Growth Lobby's machine.
WHY THE LONG VOTE COUNT? Pima County's new ballot-counting
system was supposed to speed things up. Yet it still took days
to resolve close contests. Why?
According to a recent federal court ruling, if you move before
an election you still get to vote at your new address, even if
you never got around to changing your registration to that address.
In our blind passion to make it easier to vote, we continually
remove more individual responsibility from the process.
In the past, county recorders invariably found themselves with
few hundred questionable ballots cast by voters whose status was
shaky. Because the process for verifying these ballots is now
much more cumbersome, the number of questionable ballots reaches
into the thousands.
There may be ways to speed things up, but until the Legislature
passes something the feds will buy into, plan on the 2000 election,
with a much larger turnout, being far worse.
Gannett's colonial governor Donald Hatfield has unwisely
locked the doors on the afternoon paper's downtown bureau at La
Placita Village. It's a devastating move for the reporters covering
City Hall, the county, and especially Superior Court and the feds.
(Does the Citizen still cover U.S. District Court?) Now
the paper's government reporters are shackled six miles away at
the main plant at South Park Avenue and Irvington Road.
This isn't really a cost issue. The Arizona Daily Star
supports the Citizen, via the Crybaby Publisher's Act--er,
that is, the Newspaper Preservation Act. And the Citizen
is still paying the rent at La Placita. Sources say Hatfield simply
wanted to see the smiling faces of their downtown reporters.
Here's a question for Hatfield: What's the return rate on Citizen
copies? It's a number nobody seems to want to talk about. We've
heard that actual circulation of the nearly daily afternoon rag
has been known to fall below 20,000 on some recent weekdays. Of
course we'll never know as long as TNI, the jointly-owned Pulitzer/Gannett
printing and advertising Goliath, keeps those figures secret.
If such reports are true, however, it's time to shoot the sorry
old horse the Citizen has become. Perhaps Citizen
staffers can join the wonderful Wick family of journalists.