TRICK-OR-TREAT ON CONGRESS STREET: The thermometer measuring
contributions to the Rialto Foundation outside the Rialto
Theatre has shown little movement over the last few months,
indicating the pool of funds remains rather stagnant. But if the
painted-on mercury isn't rising, the barometer measuring activity
surrounding the project gives an entirely different reading: The
Rialto Foundation has been busy getting the theater ready for
business. Nightmare on Congress Street, a Halloween extravaganza,
is the first in a series of events planned to give the ailing
theater a financial booster shot.
Part of the reason fundraising has taken a back seat is becuase
of what longtime Rialto volunteer Jeb Schoonover perceives
as "a need to re-establish credibility with the general public,"
a credibilty repeatedly called into question by rumors surrounding
the legal entanglements of Rialto co-founders Schoonover and Paul
Bear. Schoonover hopes that having the theater functioning
will finally dispel any lingering doubts that the project is moving
The past year has charted a rocky course for the Rialto and its
advocates, with seemingly endless trials and tribulations. But
with a new board of directors and legal matters now in hand, the
day on which the Rialto is not only restored to full operation
but also safely entrusted to its custodial non-profit foundation
is on the horizon.
Meetings with the City of Tucson and Tucson Fire Department officials
helped establish and implement plans to bring the theater up to
code. Ongoing projects include the installation of a sprinkler
system, plumbing improvements and the demodernization/ restoration
of the building's facade. Plans to rebuild the original double-entrance
design flanking a central ticket kiosk are also in the works.
It's anticipated that all the necessary modifications will be
completed by October 31, with the actual date of reopening pending
final inspection approval.
The Foundation's greatest hurdle involves re-instatement of the
$218,000 Arizona Heritage Fund Grant awarded to the Foundation
in the fall of 1996. Because of the whirl of legal problems surrounding
the project, a conservative Arizona State Parks board voted to
rescind the grant in July. Even if settlement negotiations currently
underway are successful, the Rialto Foundation will still need
to raise an additional $70,000 to match the Heritage award. Hence
the thermometer.
Performances at the Rialto Theater, as well as events like Nightmare
on Congress Street, are part of a larger vision of economic and
cultural prosperity downtown.
"There's so much rhetoric about the revitalization of downtown,
and the Rialto is an obvious, immediate and substantial contribution
to that end," says Schoonover. "We need a multi-use,
user-friendly venue to host not only alternative shows, but sit-down
concerts, dance and theatrical productions."
Thus, even though Nightmare on Congress Street is being staged
primarily as a benefit for the Rialto Theater, the event's focus
speaks to that wider vision to establish downtown as the center
of entertainment and culture in Tucson.
The festival, which involves blocking off Congress Street for
wild pedestrian rollicking, is modeled after a decades-long Halloween
tradition that began here in the 1920s. The city is behind the
project, granting permission to block off Congress between Herbert
and Fifth avenues.
Both indoor and outdoor stages cover all the bases, allowing
for a Pandora's box of spooky backdrops and skeletal decorations.
Featured entertainment includes Billy Bacon and the Forbidden
Pigs, Al Perry, The Phantom Limbs, The Kings
of Pleasure, The Oblivians, James Dead, Chris
Burroughs and Creosote, plus Rage in the Cage Wrestling,
costume contests--the works! Tickets are $8 in advance, $10 on
the day of the show. Call 622-8848 for more information. For
more information on the Rialto Theatre, call 740-0126.
HOT PICK: The Kings of Pleasure have announced plans
to record a live CD on Tuesday, November 4, and where else but
at The Shelter? Every Tuesday night for well over a year,
The Kings of Pleasure, squeezed in under JFK's gleaming orange
grin, have played to a packed house of enthusiastic cocktail swingers.
Band leader Mike Hebert has signed on some new members,
welcoming the addition of drummer Ralph Gilmore as well
as a new horn section. The band plans to record eight new originals
and two favorite covers for release in December, to coincide with
a planned west coast tour. As all Tuesday regulars are well aware,
space is always at a premium. Plan to arrive early--The Kings
are set to swing at 10 p.m. Tickets for this show are $4, available
in advance at The Shelter, 4155 E. Grant Road. Call 325-1345
for more information.
LAST NOTES: Costume parties abound this week, many with
high-dollar prizes for the best-dressed. The New West up at Ina
and I-10 offers a $3,000 grand prize at their bash! The following
is a smattering of events at which to rattle your bones this Halloween,
with haunts featuring live music in addition to the usual costumed
The Nimbus Brewing Company, 3850 E. 44th St., offers an
array of some of Tucson's rowdiest sons with a bash beginning
promptly at 8 p.m. Join the Wise Guys, Helldriver,
Al Foul & the Shakes and Feast Upon Cactus Thorns
(F.U.C.T.) for a costume party of Satanic dimensions. Call 745-9175
for more information.
The 3rd Stone Bar and Grill, 500 N. Fourth Ave., parties
down with local favorites Shoebomb, with costume, cocktails
and all the trimmings. Call 628-8844 for more information.
For eastside fiends, Berky's Bar, 5769 E. Speedway, features
the 13th and final Halloween performance of the Blue Lizards.
It's the end of an era, folks. The Blue Lizards will be disbanding
in 1998, playing weekend shows exclusively at Berky's on Speedway
until the new year. Call 296-1981 for more information.
--Lisa Weeks