
PAPERBACK TIGER: In the piles of books that come through
our offices, the least coveted are the how-to manuals, especially
those for writers. Writers learn by doing, and by reading, but
rarely, it seems, by reading books that tell them what to do.
So it was with trepidation and some chagrin that we admitted to
local writer Jacqueline Raphael that we did remember her book,
Writing Together: How To Transform Your Writing in a Writing
Group, but only by its cover. We refrained from admitting
that its daunting title, coupled with cover hits referring to
"the stimulation of a creative environment," a "comprehensive
guide" and "shar(ing) the creative journey" were
all we needed to toss it in the donation box for the Humane Society's
book sale. We hope somebody gave it a good home.
We only admit this now because, having perused the second copy
graciously sent by Raphael, we wouldn't want other like-minded
writers to make the same mistake. Writing Together (Perigree
Books, $12.95) is indeed unique, a multi-faceted project that's
a palatable balance between the practical, the theoretical and
the confessional. It's more narrative than instruction manual;
a story about eight professional women writers (Tucsonans all)
who began a weekly group "with hope, fear, and car keys nearby."
"We were women in our thirties and forties; five of us had
partners, four of us had children. We shared a lifetime commitment
to language and writing, but we wanted something more in the everyday
practice of our craft," they write in the introduction.
The 220-page book, the culmination of three years of writing
together, not only offers insightful commentary, engaging exercises,
and a rare honesty about the process of committing words to paper,
it's a good read, to boot. Authors Raphael, Dawn Denham Haines
and Susan Newcomer use examples of their own group's
writing, and offer an informed and comprehensive list of recommended
reading for the academically minded.
In the authors' own words, this book is for those who write to
make sense of life, who stay up late reading and get up early
to write in their journals; "if you relish the sound of words,
if you feel you must write or wither."
For such individuals, they promise a "transformation that
is available to everyone who writes seriously." Meet the
authors and see for yourself at a free discussion at 7 p.m. Friday,
November 7, at Antigone Books, 411 N. Fourth Ave. Call
792-3715 for information.
BORGASM: Star Trek: Voyager's new Borg crewmember
Seven of Nine (that's her name), played by Jeri Ryan, has shown
that Borg breast-enhancement technology has advanced well beyond
earthly capabilities. In order to show off this technological
marvel, the costume department managed to come up with an outfit
for Seven that, while covering almost her entire body, leaves
nothing to the imagination. The seam work necessary to get this
suit molded around each of her oddly inflated mammaries would
have driven Edith Head to distraction, and the rest of the outfit
was carefully fitted into every imaginable indentation, from armpit
to anklebone. We're sure it'll pay off in an increase of young
male viewers.
news has hit a shabby new low, as evidenced by KGUN-TV, Channel
9's latest marketing scheme. The full-color direct mailer
isn't so much a scheme, really, as a plea: With its ratings in
the toilet, the struggling news-gathering organization is now
outright paying people to watch its crummy broadcast. Now that's
truth in advertising.
How to win? Fill out the postage-paid reply card and then tune
in at 5 and 10 p.m. to see if your lucky number appears on screen.
Weekdays are worth $109, and a month of Thursdays are worth a
whopping $9,000 each (thus proving once again that you don't have
to be smart to get rich here in the land of opportunity).
As if a bad idea weren't bad enough, you have to wonder about
KGUN's timing: With all the new faces on staff, including a news
director who's barely had time to climatize himself to the station's
bizarre commitment to late-breaking weather reports, KGUN's management
seems hell-bent on showing viewers just how bad local news can
get. And they're even willing to put money on it.