Open Question

Proposition 103: One More Nail In The Coffin For Political Parties.


BALLOT PROPOSITIONS ARE often nothing but shallow, poorly conceived feel-good measures. This one is the watered-down, phony substitute for a shallow, poorly conceived, feel-good proposal.

Currents Prop 103 is the Legislature's counter-proposal to Prop 106--only there is no Prop 106, because the proponents were too inept to comply with a rule passed by a prior group of feel-good busybodies who decided that all initiative petitions shall be marked as to whether they were circulated by a paid or volunteer circulator. The 106 folks blew that part. Nice to see a dumb law keep you from getting an even dumber one.

Proposition 106 was based in the insane belief that if we just let everybody vote for anybody in a giant primary election, somehow we'd get greater participation and less extreme nominees.

Hey, if nobody shows up now for the candidates of the party they already chose, what makes you think they'd suddenly get turned on by the dweebs running in another party?

Worse, the proposal further destroys what's left of the regular parties. Historically, disassembling existing party structures has never led to moderation, but only to greater demagoguery and more kooks. (See "Perot, Ross." Or maybe "Mussolini, Benito.") How about one state where they have non-partisan primaries: Louisiana. Boy, that sure helped get rid of David Duke.

Even the advocates of the failed Prop 106 have got to see this current sham for what it is. And shame on the GOP lawmakers for giving us this turkey as a phony alternative to the crummy open primaries initiative.

Prop 103 allows anybody who isn't a member any "recognized" political party the prerogative to vote in the primary of whatever party they choose by requesting that ballot. Why should voters who are registered as independent be empowered with more choices than those who just pick a party? Vote NO. TW

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