October 26 - November 1, 1995
Thursday 26
SPACE CASE. If you were to fall down a rabbit hole and
pop up in Utah in the midst of a psychedelic mystery about Mormons,
sex and aliens, you might be on the set of Plan 10 From Outer
Space, the latest effort from writer/director Trent Harris
(of Rubin and Ed fame). Then again, you might just be in
Utah. Described as "Fellini on an Ed Wood budget," this
sci-fi comedy is one whacked-out interpretation of Utah's history
and Mormon ideology, as narrated by Lucinda Hall, the earthling
whose obsession with a century-old book by a mad Mormon prophet,
and her subsequent pursuit of the "secret of the bees,"
sucks her into a strange world filled with spacemen, polygamists,
angels and diabolical conspiracy theories.
Go see the film that the selection board at the Sundance Film
Festival appraisingly called "truly subversive" in its
Arizona premiere at The Screening Room, 127 E. Congress St. Plan
10 unfurls at 8 tonight, with multiple screenings Friday through
Sunday. Call 622-2262 for information.
Friday 27
WHISTLING DIXIE. The Dixie Chicks are nothing if not a
testament to that pull-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps American
individualism. The trio of world-class musicians played their
first gig on a Dallas street corner, dazzling audiences with extraordinary
fiddling and banjo/dobro picking, and harmonies "as sweet
and natural as a field of bluebonnets." That first sidewalk
serenade awarded them $400 in tips, starting them on a journey
that would lead to an in-demand schedule from the Grand Ole Opry
to entertaining at presidential parties. Since 1989 they've produced
two self-made, self-distributed albums, and were named Best Country
Band at the Dallas Observer Music Awards for three years
So when a group of students and faculty members at the UA decided
to take the matter of funding undergraduate scholarships into
their own hands, the Dixie Chicks graciously offered to perform
a benefit concert to that end. Catch a little bit of Texas and
a whole lot of fun at 7 o'clock tonight only at UA Centennial
Hall. Tickets are $12 and $14. Call 621-3341 for tickets and information.
GOOD CLEAN FUN. We hope the preponderance of fine art auctions
indicates a healthy degree of private funding for our arts institutions,
since the public sector continues to lag pitifully behind. Tell
us it's so by attending the Tucson Children's Museum's second
annual kitchen and bath tour, Through the Back Door, which
kicks off tonight with a live auction of hand-crafted, antique
plumbing fixtures. You may have second thoughts about spitting
in any of five pedestal sinks and bathtubs, fashioned into unique
artistic entities by artists Susan Gamble, Maria Tayoumana Levy,
Lynn Rae Lowe, Allan Mardon and To-Ree-Nee, but they're fully
functional. Bidding starts at 10:30 p.m., with exotic coffee and
desserts compliments of Gallery of Food. Come early and spend
lots of money. Tickets are $25, with cost of admission deducted
from the purchase of an auctioned item.
If you're more of a looker than a buyer, a seven-home self-guided
bath and kitchen tour rounds out the event from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Saturday, with chefs from Encore Med, Janos, El Charro, Café
Sweetwater and Trio Bistro culling their culinary gifts en route.
Tour tickets are $20. Call 792-9985 for tickets and information
on all events. The museum is located at 200 S. Sixth Ave.
DANCE CRAZE. Flying, single-point trapeze, handmade stringed
instruments accompanied by children's voices, homelife, video
backdrops of the southern Utah landscape and planetary transitions
from land to water...who but Orts Theatre of Dance could fashion
these disparate elements into a cohesive evening of dance theater?
See Margaret Regan's Collage for details.
Tickets for the season opener at 8 p.m. tonight and Saturday
at The Temple Of Music And Art, 330 S. Scott Ave., are $8 in advance,
$10 day of show, with those 15 and under admitted free with an
accompanying adult. Tickets are available at Bentley's on Speedway,
Silverbell Trading Co. and via the Internet: 73664.2175@compuserve.com;
or ortspace@aol.com. Call 624-3799 for reservations.
Or head over to the UA for a full-length modern dance concert
entitled The Fire Next Time, a dramatization based on the
story of Joan of Arc, choreographed by Tenth Street Danceworks'
Deborah Birrane. Other featured works include "Woman's Solo
Dedicated to Franz Kafka, 1954," by Anna Sokolow; and Birrane's
"Widow's Walk," with additional performances by Charlotte
Adams, Thom Lewis, Nina Janik and John Salmon.
Warm yourself by The Fire at 8 tonight and Saturday at
the Ina Gittings Dance Theater on the UA campus. Tickets are $6
at the door, free to children under 10. Call 621-4698 for advance
tickets and information.
Saturday 28
CELTIC CROSSROADS. Reid Park rises to the highlands between
9 a.m. and 5 p.m. today, as all Tucson's kilt-clad clan members
come out of the closet for an afternoon of traditional Scottish
games, music, folklore and history. Even if you don't know plaid
from paisley, the call of the bagpipes, clatter of clogs or thrill
of athletic exhibitionism will have you high-stepping over to
some activity you've always wanted to try but were too sober to
learn, with more fun and games than you can shake a shillelagh
at. They've even charitably included a selection of British beers
along with the traditional Scottish and Irish food fare. Admission
is $5, but bring a few extra greenbacks and stock up on kilts
and highland accessories--like a pair of Welsh woolens for those
chilly nights ahead. Musicians include Laurie Riley and Michael
MacBean, Arm and Hammer, Danu, Seven Pipers Society and The Who?Legans.
Call 883-6211 for information.
HUNS FOR HUNGER. Motorcycle clubs just ain't what they
used to be. A few weeks ago, the What Do You Know quiz
on public radio featured an apparently scary-looking biker guy
who went on to school host Michael Feldman on the philanthropic
nature of his organization...and to correctly answer all five
obscure questions, from current events to "things you should
have learned in school." It wasn't a high point in the career
of his partner, a graduate student in social sciences, who didn't
answer a single question. Score one for the motorcycle club. So
as a tribute to the unsung service of motorcycle clubs everywhere,
we encourage your participation in The Huns of Tucson's annual
food drive, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Shooter's Steak House and
Saloon, the mosque-turned-western bar at 3115 E. Prince Road.
Besides, there's a bike show and nickel draft beer while it lasts.
Admission is $5 or five cans of food. Children under 12 are free.
RAGIN' CAJUNS. Costumes are optional at the Cajun dance
party at 8 p.m. at the Southwest Center for Music, 2175 N. Sixth
Ave. Bayou Seco will sweep you off your feet with a five-piece
dance band playing Cajun waltzes and New Mexican and Norteño
two-steps on fiddle, accordion, guitar, drum and washboard. Advance
tickets are $8, $7 for KXCI and TFTM members, available at Hear's
Music, Loco Records, The Folk Shop, Bentley's and Piney Hollow.
They'll cost another dollar at the door. Call 327-4809 for information.
Sunday 29
TRUST NO ONE. Co-conspirators in the cover-up will tell
you the X-Files convention is merely a cheap attempt to
capitalize on the hit TV series by Chris Carter and David Duchovny.
But we know the minions who tune in to the weekly adventures of
agents Mulder and Scully will not be deterred. We're not impressed
that Agent Krycek and "Cancer Man" will be the guest
speakers (Boo! Hiss!), but the prop museum, including the alien
fetus and mysterious boxcar bodies, is another story. Event organizers
promise "a dark atmosphere, like the show...with things only
fans would appreciate." Bring your flashlight and bulging
wallet. Admission is $17 at the door, $10 for children 7 to 12.
Advance tickets are $14, available at Dillard's and the TCC box
office. Convention hours are 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the TCC Exhibit
Hall, 260 S. Church Ave. Call 791-4266 for information.
Monday 30
SEE JANE SPEAK. Satisfy your primate urges by attending
An Evening with Jane Goodall, a slide lecture by the good
Doctor herself, on the individuality and intelligence of chimpanzees,
conservation and habitat devastation in Africa. Tickets are $15,
$10 for students, with proceeds supporting the Jane Goodall Institute's
ChimpanZoo, a national research, education and habitat enrichment
program. The 7:30 p.m. lecture will be followed by a booksigning
at the Tucson Center for the Performing Arts, 408 S. Sixth Ave.
All seating is reserved. Call 622-2823 or 621-2230 for reservations
and information. Ask about the Golden Circle of Friends reception.
Tuesday 31
Cirque du Horreur. If Halloween parties never live up to
your horrific expectations, tonight's festivities at Hotel Congress
will chase away the ghosts of hauntings past. They've been building
up to the witching hour with six days of sideshows, culminating
with a line-up including John Doe of X, Al Perry and the Sultry
Heifers, featuring Caitlin von Schmidt and Julia Mueller (a reunion
debut by the first band ever to perform at the Club), Spillblanket,
Chick Cashman and (of course) Phantom Limbs. If for some reason
you can't drag your carcass down to 311 E. Congress St., all shows
will fiber-optically appear live on the Internet from the Congress
Club Cam. Call 622-8848 for information.
Tickets are $10 in advance, $13 day of show.
Wednesday 1
CARAS Y MASCARAS. Silviana Wood is well known to
young audiences as a storyteller and artistic mentor. But she's
no slouch with the adult population either, having worked in the
substance prevention field for more than 20 years; and she continues
to voice her opinions through the persona of "Doña
Chona," a feisty 70-year-old activist appearing on Reflexiones,
a program on KUAT-TV, Channel 6. Also an award-winning local playwright,
Wood presents Caras y Mascaras: A Drunkard's Tale, a spirited,
music-filled bilingual drama commissioned by Borderlands Theater.
This magical play-within-a-play previews at 8 o'clock tonight,
with performances continuing Wednesday through Saturday through
November 11. Preview tickets are $6 to $8, available at Antigone
Books, Jeff's Classical Records and Borderlands Theater. Call
882-7406 for information.
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October 26 - November 1, 1995