TRADITION AND TV: The Screening Room provides a riveting
look at Mexico's ancient people with The Unholy Tarahumara,
presented as part of the ongoing Cine Latino Festival.
The Tarahumara are a fascinating, highly ritualistic group making
their home in Chihuahua's vast Copper Canyon. They live without
electricity in a beautiful-but-rugged land where farming is a
Herculean feat, and game is rare.
Filmmaker Kathryn Ferguson entered the Tarahumara's world, and
not surprisingly found some bent on maintaining their traditions,
and others longing for television. To capture that difficult juxtaposition,
she weaves a narrative through individual stories and cinema verité.
Ferguson details their stone-age customs as the modern world comes
ever closer, mixing her footage of the Tarahumara's stark, literal
world with voices, both real and imagined, of the Storyteller,
Gossip, and figures of Tarahumara mythology. The result is a unique,
stirring film.
The Unholy Tarahumara shows at 7 p.m. Saturday, 3 and
6 p.m. Sunday, October 3 and 4, in The Screening Room, 127 E.
Congress St. Admission is $4, $3 for matinees. For details, call
THIS OLD PUEBLO: Tohono Chul Park serenades timeless civic
pride with a concert by the Fourth Calvary Regimental Band, as
part of the park's ongoing Our Town Concert Series.
The heyday of 1860s Fort Lowell is celebrated with a slew of
quick steps, waltzes, polkas, quadrilles and pop tunes. Period
instruments and uniforms recall an era when the band regularly
fired up their horns for concerts, parades and other celebrations
throughout frontier Arizona.
Concert is 7 p.m. Thursday, October 1, in the Tohono Chul Park
Performance Garden, 7366 N. Paseo del Norte. Admission is $6,
$3.50 for members and children ages 12 and under. For details,
call 742-6455.
DRAMATIC NOCTURNES: The Old Pueblo Playwrights keep the
dramatic candle burning with two special events. From 7 to
10 p.m. during Downtown Saturday Night on October 3, they'll present
Radio Ronstadt! in the Ronstadt Transit Center at Congress Street
and Sixth Avenue. OPP will collaborate with KXCI for this evening
of short radio plays. The cast of characters will range from wild
and woolly Pecos Bill to hardboiled detectives and Lady Goodie,
all performed before DSN's rapt crowds.
Then OPP takes a long day's journey into night with Drama After
Dark. This dramatic soirée will include new plays, monologues,
and other theatrical gems, presented in the charming ambiance
of Delectables Restaurant. All written by OPP members, the works
range from "thought-provoking to the utterly silly."
Drama After Dark is at 10:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 7, in Delectables
Restaurant, 533 N. Fourth Ave. Admission is free, but donations
are accepted. Call 299-9445 for information.