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CHEROKEE Rx. As a child, Tucson physician Lewis Mehl-Madrona was steeped in the traditional healing practices of his Cherokee grandmother. That perspective later reappeared as he witnessed what he considered the rampant missteps of modern allopathic medicine.
Today, he discusses and signs copies of Coyote Medicine from 5 to 7 p.m. at Peace of Mind, 6061 E. Broadway. Call 750-9695 for information.
Friday 29
NATURAL ORCHESTRA. Canyon Records recording artist Mary Redhouse aptly calls her eccentric vocal style "eco-spiritual," with its use of bird calls, animal cries, multi-octave scat lines and Native American chants. Today, the R. Carlos Nakai Quartet member displays her range of exotic sounds accompanied by guitarist Larry Hauer, when the two perform a set of jazz standards and Native American music.
SETTLING THE SCORE. They're rebels who probably don't care squat for causes. But they do drive searing street machines, and may have a little business that needs tending to. Today they'll have the opportunity to square matters for good at the new Southwestern International Raceway's Fun-N-Grudge and Street event. "These are mostly racers straight off the street," says SIR track manager John Hall. "Maybe some guy has a grudge to settle with his buddy, and wants to run him. That's what this is about." And the venge-fest draws a crowd: Hall says up to 200 racers have turned out in recent weeks, with audiences numbering more than 10,000 people. Event is 6 p.m. at the Southwestern International Raceway, located on the Pima County Fairgrounds. Admission is $8, free for kids ages 12 and under. For details, call 792-3930. IT'S A JUNGLE. Proving once more that there's life after Disney, the prolific Arizona Youth Theatre announces the triumphant return of Mowgli and his eccentric, witty, sometimes downright gritty animal pals with their production of The Jungle Book. Show times are 8 p.m. Friday, and 11 a.m., 2 and 4 p.m. Saturday, through October 4, in the Arizona Youth Theater, 5671 E. Speedway. Tickets are $6, $4 for children, and available by calling 546-9805.
Saturday 30
CULTURAL AFFAIR. An intricate blending of "permanent" and "agriculture," permaculture is a set of environmentally sustainable design methods developed in the mid-'70s. The basic notion is one of creating homes that mirror healthy patterns found in nature. The results are cultivated ecosystems that work on many different levels, from backyards to bioregions. Techniques can be as simple as planting a native shrub, or as involved as passive solar systems, organic gardening and graywater harvesting. Today the Permaculture Drylands Institute sheds light on these and other techniques with its Permaculture Home and Garden Tour. Included on the tour will be a straw-bale guest house, a rammed-earth home and studio, and a 1919 adobe bungalow. Cost is $50, and pre-registration is required. Call 882-9443. COW KICKS. Serious cow folk mighty want to saddle up and mosey on down to the 83rd-annual Sonoita Labor Day Rodeo. Nestled in the eastern shadows of the Santa Rita Mountains, this tradition-rich get-together will feature the usual rodeo action, from bareback bronc riding, team penning and steer wrestling to mutton bustin' and ladies' breakaway roping. Top competitors will gallop away with gleaming belt buckles and up to $2,500 in prize money.
Event begins at 1 p.m. today and tomorrow, and noon on Monday, at the Sonoita Fairgrounds. Take I-10 east, turning south at the Sonoita turn-off. Drive time is 45 minutes. Admission is $8, $4 for children ages five to 12. Call (520) 455-5553 for information. SONORAN BREEZES. The Arizona Symphonic Winds blow their monsoon-laden hearts out under the direction of Laszlo Veres. Tonight's appearance will feature selections from Fiddler on the Roof, A Cole Porter Symphonic Portrait, and Vivaldi's Piccolo Concerto, performed by soloist Fran Moskovitz. Free concert is 7 p.m. in the Udall Park Amphitheater, 7200 E. Tanque Verde Road. Parking is limited, but free shuttle rides are offered from the shopping center on the southeast corner of Sabino Canyon and Tanque Verde Roads. Call 791-4931 for information.
Sunday 31
BEAMERS. Star Trek Lieutenant Mhal-che, Ensign Tabbar and Commander Kir-Toch, all of Paramount Pictures fame, will beam their heroic selves down to the Sonoran Desert for Old Tucson Studios' big landing party. Authentic in both costume and manner, the Trekkers will perform five, 20-minute shows, including individual planetary greetings, crucial Klingon translations, Starfleet recruitment interviews, and a little old-fashioned Vulcan mind-melding. Shows runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. today and tomorrow at Old Tucson Studios, located in Tucson Mountain Park. Take Speedway west and follow the signs. Admission for Pima County residents is $12.95, $8.95 for children ages four to 11, and free for children under age four. Admission for non-residents is $14.95, $9.45 for children ages four to 11. For details, call 883-0100, ext. 1. HOT STUFF. The Tucson Jazz Society fires up its annual "Some Like It Hot" salsa cook-off and dance party. Adding melodic spice to this year's event will be the Tucson Latin Jazz Orchestra and Descarga, performing everything from salsa and merengues to a cumbia or two.
Event runs from 8 p.m. to midnight in St. Philip's Plaza, 4380 N. Campbell Road. Entry fees are $20 for commercial entries, $5 for individuals. General admission is $10, $5 for Tucson Jazz Society members. For information, call 743-3399.
Monday 1
SONORAN BASH. Back when most zoos were still in the habit of simply warehousing their wards, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum was already gaining fame for its interactive natural settings. Today it celebrates more than four decades of innovation with a 45th birthday bash. Over those many years the museum hasn't missed a beat. New and expanded exhibits continue drawing visitors into the lush landscape, while gently reminding them that this is ultimately someone else's turf--namely a myriad of flora and fauna calling the Southwest home. The Hummingbird Aviary was enlarged a couple of years back, and today its 22 inhabitants brazenly greet guests at eye-level, while fiercely territorial gray chuckwallas face-off in their sun-drenched lizard lairs, under the curious gaze of cactus wrens perched among otherworldly boojum trees. They'll be just a few of the dryland denizens on hand today as the museum rolls into the new millennium with a screening of historic films, live Sonoran Desert raptor interpretations and storytelling. Event runs from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., with cake-cutting at 10 a.m., noon and 2 p.m., at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, 2021 N. Kinney Road. Admission is $8.95, $1.75 for children ages six to 12, free for children under age six. For information, call 883-2702.
Tuesday 2
Now the Arizona Repertory Theatre brings the ornery Brewsters back with its production of Joseph Kesselring's Arsenic and Old Lace, directed by visiting artist Virginia Smith. Preview performance is 7:30 p.m. today in the UA Laboratory Theatre, located at the southeast corner of Park Avenue and Speedway. Regular production run continues at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, with matinees at 1:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, through September 21. There is no matinee performance September 6. Tickets are $14, $12 for UA employees and seniors, and $9 for students. Call 621-1162 for reservations. DARKNESS EXPOSED. In October, residents will once again reclaim our city's mean streets with "Tucson Women Take Back the Night '97." Tonight, women who want to help organize this powerful event are invited to a meeting from 7 to 9 p.m. in the First Congregational Church of Christ, 824 N. Second Ave. For details, call 750-1941.
Wednesday 3
Known for merging the genres of still-life and landscape, Marcus-Orlen creates tilting picture planes and multi-layered illusions that flow together, metamorphosing into magical environments and "living dreams." Her works complete the image with iconic cats and dogs, mixed fruit, and stairways into mirrored realms. Burkett also charts a lush course, using nuanced colors to characterize an intimate ambiance, whether portraying frosty fallen leaves or apples in the tangle of a tree. The "kinetic" paintings of Owen Williams are three-dimensional works combining visual puns and images from art history. Those pieces are painted on triangular strips of wood, which are then cut and mounted vertically to symbolize the transience of life and certainty of death.
Exhibit runs through November 8, with an opening reception from
7 to 10 p.m. Saturday, September 6, in the Etherton Gallery, 135
S. Sixth Ave. Call 624-7370 for information.
City Week includes events selected by Calendar Editor Tim Vanderpool. Event information is accurate as of press time. The Weekly recommends calling event organizers to check for last-minute changes in location, time, price, etc. To have material considered, please send complete information at least 11 days prior to the Thursday issue date to: Tucson Weekly, P.O. Box 2429, Tucson, Arizona 85702, or fax information to 792-2096, or email us at listings@tucsonweekly.com.
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