
'Shifted Gaze' Is Unfocused And Inelegant.
By Dave Irwin
LOCAL PLAYWRIGHT Mark Brady has written a potentially interesting
television show that harkens back to the supernatural mysteries
of the Twilight Zone and Night Gallery. Unfortunately,
that future script is currently trapped inside the body of his
play, Shifted Gaze. It wanders the stage, confused and
continually asking the question (apologies to Shakespeare), "TV,
or not TV?"
The story is a melodrama about twin brothers. Scott, played by
Brady himself, is blind, caring and gainfully employed. Aaron,
however, is an angry, sadistic, unemployed drunk, played by Todd
Lepird. Aaron is bitter at having to take care of Scott, although
it appears Scott is really taking care of him, pouring his drinks,
putting him to bed when he passes out, and providing the household
income. The week before their 30th birthdays, a change starts
taking place as Aaron begins losing his sight while Scott progressively
gains his. Their parents were killed in a car crash, so they've
been nurtured over the years by their Aunt Jess (Suzie Robertson).
She takes them to their lifelong physician, Dr. Evan (Steve Adelson),
who has no explanation, though clearly Aunt Jess knows more than
she's telling.
Enter Dr. Latham (Lee Willetts). It turns out that Aunt Jess
made some murky Faustian deal with Dr. Latham to save the twins
at birth, the price being that one would be blind until 30, then
the blindness would shift to the other for the rest of their lives.
Dr. Latham also may have been responsible for the deaths of Scott
and Aaron's parents, although that's never fully explained or
explored. A further part of the deal seems to be that Aunt Jess
will die herself on their birthday.
That's the first act.
In the second act, we meet Scott's girlfriend, Kelly Anne (Lisa
Green), who proposes to him. Aaron despises her for no apparent
reason, so she returns the animosity and storms out. As the transposition
of sighted/blind is completed, Aunt Jess shows up with a birthday
cake, explains the deal made with Dr. Latham to the stunned twins
and--her role fulfilled--dies while being harangued by Aaron.
So Scott leaves Aaron to marry Kelly Anne. In the very next scene,
set several months later, Aaron, now attending Alcoholics Anonymous,
has learned to cope with his blindness and his anger, and agrees
sweetly to go to Scott and Kelly Anne's for dinner. Scott mentions
that she's pregnant, with twins no less, and in a final silent
tableau, you can probably guess who she's found to provide pre-natal
There are a number of problems with Shifted Gaze. The
dialogue is occasionally tortured, as when Scott asks at the funeral,
"Should I hate her for what she did, for permanently changing
your life so drastically?" The characters of Aunt Jess and
Kelly Anne are inconsistent, as when Jess complains to Scott about
Aaron's bullying and then affectionately kisses Aaron goodbye.
In the midst of an acrimonious exchange, Kelly Anne asks Aaron
to dance, which they do, but soon the couple returns to fighting.
The nature of the deal with the devil is unclear, as is his role
in the accident that killed the twin's parents.
Scott swears repeatedly that he'll kill Aaron, but he simply
walks out instead.
The biggest problem is that Brady, in his homage to his favorite
TV shows, has written a teleplay. The second act has no fewer
than 17 scene changes, some lasting just a few seconds, as when
Aunt Jess marks a day off the calendar. However, the blackouts
between these scenes sometimes took several minutes to set up.
You could almost see the script saying CUT TO and DISSOLVE TO.
Unfortunately, the stage doesn't allow that. The constant scene
shifting distracts deeply, undercuting the rhythm of the presentation.
In addition, the inelegant exposition left many unanswered questions.
The miraculous transformation of Aaron in the last 10 minutes
of the play is abrupt and unfounded, since he had been consistently
despicable and we see no turning point.
The cast of Shifted Gaze is enthusiastic, but they can't
rescue the confusion. The sympathetic audience on opening night
affectionately jeered Lepird appropriately for his character.
Of note is supportive work by sound designer Johnathan Lawson.
Director Rehno Geppert does what he can with the material, but
this remains a play wanting to be a television show.
Panoramic Productions' Shifted Gaze, written by
Mark Brady and directed by Rehno Geppart, continues August 28
through 30. Show time is 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 4 p.m. Sunday, at the Tucson Center for the Performing Arts,
408 S. Sixth Ave. Tickets are $10, with discounts for seniors
(60 and over) and students. For information and reservations,
call 293-5397.