MOSTLY MAGIC: The Mostly Magic Show is back for one night only, at 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 25, at Gaslight Theatre, 7010 E. Broadway, with comedy, juggling and magic the whole family will enjoy. Tickets are $4, $3 children under 12. Reservations are required. Call 886-9428 for reservations and information.
SAY OMMM: A free introductory lecture on the Transcendental Meditation Program will be given at 6:45 p.m. Tuesday, July 25, at Himmel Park Library, 1035 N. Treat Ave. Call 254-2552 for information.
MIDDLE KIDS: The beginning of another school year approaches, with all the excitement and dread that only young adults can appreciate. A Middle School Survival Workshop for new students meets this week at El Pueblo Library, Himmel Library, Nanini Library, Bear Canyon Library, Valencia Library and River Center Library, providing an excellent opportunity for both students and their parents to explore important issues concerning the transition between elementary and middle grades, including peer pressure, self-esteem, safety, problem-solving and emotional and physical changes. Call 791-4979 for the nearest branch and workshop times.
SYNCHRO SHOW: Tucson Parks and Recreation presents the annual synchronized swimming show at 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 21, at Fort Lowell Pool, Craycroft Road north of Glenn Street. Eleven municipal pools with 200 swimmers ages 6 to 18 years will participate in this summer's water ballet extravaganza, encompassing the theme Around the World. Call 791-4892 for information.
VALLEY OF THE MOON: It's time again to take a break from the heat and enjoy a cool evening "Moon Stroll" from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, July 26, at the Valley of the Moon, 2544 E. Allen Road. Wander at your leisure through the pathways, caves, pools and gardens of the magical land built of rock and imagination. Admission is free, though donations are gladly accepted. Call 323-1331 for information.
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