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Call Of The ChildTo the Editor, Thanks for bringing attention to the pathetic state of this state's child care system in "Suffer The Little Children" (Tucson Weekly, June 20). I found out about the state's day care regulations the hard way. (I think everyone who has children in child care should have a copy of these regulations.)
So much for asking that parents monitor their children's day care centers. To our legislature for whom our children have long been a low priority, and in particular to Representatives Burns and Killian, I say: time for a reality check and serious change. --Name withheld by request.
Community ChallengeTo the Editor, Dan Huff's recent appraisal of Tucson's present and future is alarmingly bleak ("The Party's Over," Tucson Weekly, June 13). Perhaps the most frightening phrase, albeit used sarcastically, is "car-culture utopia." The statistic of local road acreage relative to population is a testament to our addiction to the metal beast and, like any addiction, our need for cars feeds on itself at the cost of our own well-being. Because we can, we spread out into the desert, designing our neighborhoods and homes for cars, not people. But there are solutions. There are alternatives to cowering urban isolation besides outward expansion. One choice is cohousing, an idea that originated in Denmark and is really a return to the old-fashioned sense of community, security and belonging that comes from homes fronted by porches rather than garages. In other words, where people actually see their neighbors. Following examples in California, Colorado, New Mexico and other states, the Tucson Neighborhood Development Corporation is currently working to create this kind of development on vacant land within central Tucson. Since we will create pedestrian walkways instead of roads between homes, parking on the periphery, common activity areas and a common house, the development will increase security, create a nurturing atmosphere for children, conserve resources, and encourage awareness and investment in the wider neighborhood. Community members will know their neighbors and feel a real sense of belonging. For those of us who plan to spend our lives in Tucson, Huff's conclusion of "oh, the hell with it" is not an acceptable answer. How about a look at viable solutions and--yes it has been said before--let's learn from our mistakes! --Jessie Campbell Tucson Neighborhood Development Corporation
Compliments To The CookTo the Editor, I must take offense at the manner in which Kirk A. Ashley responded to Rebecca Cook's review of Fuego (Mailbag, Tucson Weekly, June 20). While Ashley is certainly entitled to his opinion, it hardly matters that he and his dinner companions are "extensive world travelers" or "members of at least one local wine and gourmet food group." Ashley seems to imply that his opinion is more valid by virtue of said membership. As an impoverished non-gourmet who rarely dines out, I find Cook's reviews vicariously entertaining and informative, because she gives detailed descriptions of food and cooking methods, as well as brief histories of menu items and dining establishments which I may never experience firsthand. Cook's personal reactions should be taken with a grain of salt, since patrons have different tastes and restaurants have off nights. Perhaps Ashley should consider the aforementioned variables before he attempts to discredit a knowledgeable reviewer with his elitist delusions of gastronomic superiority. --Vince Ripol
Car TalkTo the Editor, We've just learned that government employees in Maricopa and soon in Pima will be required to work staggered shifts and carpool or take public transportation because of severe air pollution. Now let me see if I understand this. The lazy and greedy pols rolled over for the developers while those of us who have actually seen L.A. stood by powerless watching the urban sprawl creep on like a deadly spreading virus. Now the same pols order the serfs to try to fix the problem? Shouldn't the pols be sending limos to our homes to take us where we want to go? Flowers and candy wouldn't hurt either. --Carol Wilson
Hot AirTo the Editor, I hope Jeff Smith feels somewhat reproached after reading Velina Bergen's letter in defense of KXCI (Mailbag, Tucson Weekly, June 20). I am surprised Smith took Miguel Ortega's anti-KXCI rants seriously in the first place. I've always found Ortega's on-air activism a bit shallow. But he's good at what he does: stir up and politicize the teenie boppers. He's even good at socializing with them. But he needs to be careful when he sets foot into the adult world, where facile accusations of "racism" can hurt your credibility. I do think Ortega is half right. KXCI is woefully lacking in intelligent Chicano programming. But what is Ortega whining about? He's got air time for his jejune rabble-rousing, and he was even able to finagle a prominent time slot for some of his teen friends and their embarrassing, apolitical request/dedication show. If, at the very least, Ortega signs up for remedial Spanish lessons, I'll take him more seriously. --Dennis Navarro We Want Letters! Thrilled by our brilliant insights? Sick of our mean-spirited attacks? Need to make something perfectly clear? Write: tucsonweekly@tucsonweekly.com
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