Here's A Real Sizzler Of A Story For Desert Dwellers.
By Kevin Franklin
PABLO VALENCIA WAS either one of the luckiest men in the
history of the Sonoran Desert or one of the most ill-fated.
In either case, he certainly ranks as one of the most durable.
In 1905 he wandered for six-and-a-half summer days through the
desert southeast of Yuma with no water and virtually no hope.
Most people, even desert dwellers, would die without fluids after
two days in that kind of heat. But Valencia survived.
His legendary trial makes a useful case study for modern-day
desert rats.
The account of Valencia's adventure comes from W.J. McGee, a
turn-of-the-century scientist and explorer. McGee was encamped
at Tinajas Altas, a collection of small pools serving as the only
reliable source of water for the next 35 miles (as the crow flies)
to Yuma. McGee planned to study the summer meteorology and biology
of the area, but due to Valencia's ill-fortune, McGee ended up
conducting an analysis of severe dehydration on the human body.
Valencia's personal account and McGee's ministrations to save
his life became the basis of a paper, "Desert Thirst as Disease,"
which McGee presented to a group of St. Louis physicians.
Valencia and his friend Jesús Rios were prospecting near
the Mexican border just west of the present-day Cabeza Prieta
Wildlife Refuge.
They were heading to a mining claim of Valencia's when they encountered
McGee. After mutual greetings and rewatering of animals and men,
Valencia and Rios were off to the claim site.
Valencia's first and most lethal mistake was his plan. He and
Rios had six gallons of water between them for three days. After
their first day of travel, Valencia quickly realized an active
man in the summer desert needs at least two gallons of water a
day. He sent Rios back to Tinajas Altas for more water, planning
to rendezvous with him on the far side of the Sierra Hornaday.
Of course, they never met up. With no specific point to wait,
Rios looked for Valencia for a while. Failing to find him, Rios
went back to camp, demonstrating a remarkable lack of concern.
Now Valencia's situation was grave. He lacked enough water to
go back the way he came, yet there were no certain water sources
near him.
He spent the next four-and-a-half days hiking to Tule Tanks,
another set of tinajas, but failed to find water there. He had
now gone 38 miles with virtually no water. There was another 20
miles between him and Tinajas Altas. He began stumbling in that
Two days later, in the middle of the night, McGee believed he
heard a cow bellowing in the distance. Realizing it might be
Valencia, he rushed out to look. What he found was a man who should
have died days before, but had refused. McGee writes:
"Pablo was stark naked; his formerly full-muscled legs and
arms were shrunken and scrawny...his lips had disappeared as if
amputated, leaving low edges of blackened tissue; his teeth and
gums projected like those of a skinned animal, but the flesh was
black and dry as a hank of jerky; his nose was withered and shrunken
to half its length...the freshest cuts were as so many scratches
in dry leather, without trace of blood or scrum...We found him
deaf to all but loud sounds, and so blind as to distinguish nothing
save light and dark."
McGee replenished Valencia's fluids and sugars and within
two months he was able to ride once more, though one suspects
he never went far from adequate water again.
Obviously, desert travelers should plan to have more than enough
water and to let someone know exactly where they are going and
when they will be back. But barring that sensible scenario, Meslin
provides some advice for the heat tortured.
First of all, keep your clothes on. A thin layer of breathable,
light-colored fabric between you and the sun will do a lot to
keep down water loss and heat while simultaneously protecting
the skin. This includes your head. Move as little as possible
in the heat of the day and keep to the shade.
If you find someone suffering heat exhaustion, or the often-fatal
heat stroke, you need to hydrate them and cool them down. Ice
or water in the neck, groin and armpits cools victims well; but
don't get them shivering, as this generates more heat and wastes
valuable energy.
Drinking water is all sufferers of moderate heat exhaustion
need. More severe cases will need to replace critical elements
like potassium. Specialty products like Gatorade or 10K work very
well, but anything from soda to coffee will work in a pinch. Avoid
alcohol, which dilates blood vessels and works against you.
The bottom line: Get them cooled down, hydrated and, for serious
cases, to a hospital as soon as possible.
The best place to find McGee's account and some excellent analysis
by Bill Broyles and others is in the Journal of The Southwest,
1988, Vol. 30, p. 222, call No. F806 A69. Broyles' first-rate
story about his attempt to retrace Valencia's trail, nearly ending
in Broyles repeating Valencia's hideous experience, is in the
Journal of Arizona History, 1982, Vol. 23, p. 357, call
No. F806 A762.