Celebrating The Wonder Of Network Television With The First-Ever Tommy Awards!
By Tom Danehy
WITH THE COMING of Memorial Day, we now bid farewell to
first-run, prime-time TV until the latter weeks of September,
if then. It's a busy time for us. We have to take the batteries
out of the remote control and store our weapon of choice until
the fall. We get to turn the couch cushions over, giving them
four months to return to somewhere near their original shapes.
Then we have to get up and move around and do stuff. It's a bleak
time of year, really.
However, it was a good season and, while the sitcom continues
well on its way to extinction, we were treated to some of the
best drama ever seen on TV. Highlights (and lowlights) of the
past season:
BEST DRAMATIC SERIES: The Practice. I've been bragging
about this series since its first episode. (This is not to say
that I'm some great finder of hidden treasures. I watch everything,
then I sort it all out afterwards.)
This series is almost full-contact TV. Over the season, it built
up to the finale by following a nerdy doctor who first computer-dated
the "Hey, I'm Large" Eleanor (Camryn Manheim), then
sued her when she dumped him. Later he was arrested with a severed
head in his medical bag. He endured the trial, was acquitted,
survived a police attempt to plant incriminating evidence on him,
then showed up in the final frame of the final show walking the
streets dressed as a homicidal nun. And somehow it all made sense.
When series creator/writer David E. Kelley plays it straight,
no one in TV can touch him. His work is brilliant. But when he
decides to try farce, we end up with...
MOST OVER-RATED SHOW: Ally McBeal. This is virtually
unwatchable, and I once sat through back-to-back episodes of The
Nanny. I've watched entire episodes of Ally without
smiling even once. And yet the schizophrenic Kelley pushes it
as a comedy for Emmy consideration.
And we must all stop asking Calista Flockhart about her eating
disorders. Does anyone really think that she'll admit to it (them)?
No, she'll wait until after the series is over, then appear on
the cover of People magazine with the caption, "I
need help."
I just hope she takes Lara Flynn Boyle from The Practice
with her. A shot of Boyle in tight-fitting clothing is scarier
than anything you'll ever see on Buffy, The Vampire Slayer.
Blue and Friends. The cop drama had a season for the
ages. They lost Jimmy Smits, picked up a stunningly good Rick
Schroeder, then, to top things off, threw a thunderbolt at Dennis
Franz that should send his Andy Sipowicz character spiraling into
an uncharted section of hell next year.
Don't be surprised if all three aforementioned actors get Best
Actor, Drama Series Emmy nods. And the show's a lock for a best
Drama Series nomination.
As for Friends, this light series managed to stay
fresh despite its familiar characters and thin subject matter.
It's not as good as Frasier, which is a mortal lock to
win its unprecedented sixth straight Best Comedy Series Emmy.
But then, few series in TV history were ever as good as Frasier.
BEST MINI-SERIES: The Temptations. What a treat
this was. When I was a kid, all the guys tried to delay the onset
of puberty so they could sing like Smokey Robinson as long as
possible. Then, when the inevitable happened, they all became
David Ruffin.
This mini-series was a Motown lover's dream. Great music, wonderful
characters, the inside dish on the stars we all loved, and the
depiction of a then-high-school-age-but-still-bitchy Diana Ross.
The actor Leon deserves an Emmy for his portrayal of the talented
but fatally flawed Ruffin.
BEST GEEK TREAT: PBS did a great show on the math whiz
who solved the previously unsolvable Fermat's Last Theorem. Even
though the show (and the geek) veered off into the completely
undecipherable world of modular forms, it was gripping stuff.
Still, I felt a bit cheated when I learned that it would take
a computer days to complete this guy's calculations when Fermat
had hinted just before his death in 1665 that he could do it on
a piece of paper by hand.
BEST TV MOMENT: When my old golfing buddy (and former
KRQ morning deejay) Jimmy Kimmel won a Daytime Emmy for his part
on Win Ben Stein's Money. It doesn't matter that he got
the Daytime Emmy for a show that's on a half-hour past midnight
in Tucson. The cool part was that he jumped off the stage and
gave his Emmy to 18-time-loser Susan Lucci, who then won her own
Emmy a few minutes later.
Hey, maybe I should give Jimmy a call to congratulate him and
try to find a way to sneak in a mention of that idea I had for
a new TV series. You don't think he'd find that cynical, do you?