Pima County Sues A Local Publisher Who Wanted To Publish Photos
Of Illegal Immigrants Who Died In The Desert.
By David Holthouse
SCOTT STANLEY wants to show you photos of dead Mexicans.
Some of the bodies photographed in American deserts are wasted
and burned after lying for days as buzzard meat. Others, found
sooner, are less unsettling. One is of a 17-year-old girl whose
face, except for the doll's-eye stare, belongs in a yearbook,
framed with notes from friends; it's dotted with flowers and hearts.
Instead, it's attached to a Pima County coroner's report--death
by too much desert.
Two of the photos show the bodies of Mexicans who have been shot,
multiple times, by U.S. Border Patrol guards. The most recent
was Antonio Martinez, killed a few steps inside Estados Unidos
last September 9. He was drunk and brandishing a rock. Martinez,
26, was shot once in the back with a .40-caliber hollow-point
round, and once in the gut. He vomited blood, crumpled and died
as his 13-year-old brother Pablo watched from the Border Patrol
agent's Bronco. Then men from the government came and took pictures
of Antonio's body. They are some of the same pictures Scott Stanley
wants you to see. The people who run Pima County would rather
you didn't.
TWO DAYS BEFORE Christmas, Stanley submitted a public records
request for the Martinez photos. He also asked for copies of slides
of 12 Mexicans who died of exposure near Tucson after crossing
into the United States in 1998. On January 13, Pima County's chief
medical examiner, Dr. Bruce Parks, wrote back:
"I must consider how releasing this information might affect
the interests of the state and how it might also affect the privacy
rights of family members. Releasing copies of sensitive photographs
so that they may be printed for general viewing by potentially
large numbers of the public would be a gross violation of the
rights of privacy of the families of the deceased. Therefore,
I must respectfully deny your request."
I called Parks, and he told me Stanley's request for the release
of pictures of dead Mexicans in American deserts was the first
ever in this state.
Evidently, someone above Parks wishes to settle the issue forcefully.
Last month, the Pima County Attorney's Office filed a lawsuit
against Stanley, asking a judge to declare that photos of dead
Mexicans in American deserts can be kept from publications. The
Pima County attorney also asks for court costs and unspecified
punitive damages.
Parks is named as the plaintiff in the lawsuit, which he characterized
as "a decision made mostly by the County Attorney's Office."
"Releasing such photos would set a precedent, and we want
to see for sure in the courts that we can not do that," Parks
says. "Our intent is not to cover up anything, or hide anything,
or protect any government agency. It's really just a consideration
of the next of kin. There's a big difference between allowing
one individual to view photos of a deceased person from several
angles, and showing them to the populace."
Yeah, the difference is more people see them.
The law in Arizona is clear: autopsy photographs are public record.
There's no way Pima County could legally stop you or me from viewing
pictures of dead Mexicans in Parks' office. By attempting to stop
Stanley from publishing those same photos, Pima County officials
have positioned themselves as editors of his publication. That's
government censorship. Textbook, baby.
The lawsuit against Stanley calls his request "a gross violation
of the rights of privacy of the next of kin, and of the loved
So let's get this straight: Mexicans don't have a right to an
education in this country, or to get a job, and certainly not
to vote, yet in Pima County, at least, they acquire the right
to privacy as soon as they're found dead in the desert.
Earlier this month, a surprise snowstorm stranded more than
80 illegal Mexican immigrants in the rugged mountains east of
San Diego. Nine died and dozens had to be airlifted to hospitals.
Last summer, at least 100 illegals died in the desert region stretching
north from the Mexico border. Bodies were found huddled under
bushes and lying in dry creek beds during one of the most brutal
heat waves to hit the Southwest. Not everyone blamed the weather....
-- from "Border Crush," The Indianapolis Star,
April 15, 1999
IN NOGALES, SONORA, shack markets in squatter districts sell newspapers
for three pesos that contain nuptial announcements, soft-core
porn, and death-scene photos--overdoses, narco hits, drownings,
stabbings, body parts on train tracks and bodies in the desert
(the Mexican desert).
On the Mexican side of the border, printing pictures of dead
Mexicans is a business. For Stanley, who lives in Tucson, it's
a political statement.
"These photos are incendiary. To see them is to realize
something is horribly wrong on the border. We're pushing decent
people out into the desert to their deaths, using the long arm
of a gun. And it's shameful to see them die so anonymously as
a calculated matter of policy. We're letting the harsh terrain
around the border do the killing for us, and I want to make people
aware of what's happening."
Stanley and his fiancée, Debra White, publish the Tucson
Poet, a regional literary and political journal, out of an
old adobe office on Fourth Avenue. Over the last year, Stanley
has researched and authored a series of essays that depict the
U.S.-Mexico border as a brutal, militarized zone. His writings
attack U.S. programs such as Operation Gatekeeper in California,
and Operation Safeguard in Arizona, which have increased the U.S.
Border Patrol's budget, and focused interception efforts on zones
near Mexican cities such as Tijuana, Juárez and Nogales--
traditionally the main points of entry for those Stanley sympathetically
terms "undocumented immigrants."
When Gatekeeper and Safeguard went into effect in 1994, the government
predicted that by now there would be a sharp drop in apprehension
numbers of illegal aliens.
Last year, the Border Patrol caught an average of 2,000 Mexicans
a day along the Arizona border, and estimate three times that
many--two million in '98--eluded them.
Mexicans who want to come to America have reacted to the increased
Border Patrol presence in populated areas by undertaking perilous
journeys through the desert and crossing the map line far from
any population center. Often they are ill-equipped. According
to the Border Patrol's own numbers, there has been a 600 percent
increase in Mexican border deaths in Arizona since Operation Safeguard
began. (The real number could easily be higher; there's a lot
of desert along the border.)
In this state, the hot zone for illegal entries has shifted from
Nogales (an Operation Safeguard target) to more remote desert
areas around Douglas, where ranchers have recently formed armed
patrols and are calling for the Arizona Army National Guard to
reinforce the Border Patrol.
Trash is strewn across fields...equipment, trucks and cars
are stolen or destroyed, and fences are cut. My constituents are
pleading for help. Something must be done NOW!
--State Rep. Gail Griffin of Sierra Vista, testifying before a
U.S. Senate Judiciary subcommittee, April 27, 1999
I'm afraid there's going to be a tragedy. It's going to reach
a level where this community--Douglas, Arizona--is going to be
the object of a major international incident.
--Douglas Mayor Ray Boarane, the same day
I HAVE IN front of me a partial list from the Mexican Consulate
in Tucson which documents dead Mexicans whose bodies were recovered
in Arizona. This list gives the date and location the body was
found, the cause of death, and the name and hometown of the deceased.
On July 29, 1998, the bodies of Miguel Angel Vazquez Godinez,
23, and Ricardo Navarro Poblano, age unknown, were found near
the Silverbell Mine, in Avra Valley, 20 miles northwest of Tucson.
Both men were from the town of Guadalajara, Jalisco. They are
classified as Muerte por Deshidratacion en el Desierto--death
from dehydration in the desert.
Godinez and Poblano are two of the dead Mexicans Scott Stanley
wants you to know about.
Antonio Martinez is another. Martinez didn't die of dehydration.
He died of bullet wounds.
It happened near the Sanchez Canal, just northwest of the
San Luis, Arizona, port of entry. According to Border Patrol reports,
agent Angel Belen--who had 78 days on the force--shot and killed
Martinez after Martinez threatened Belen with a rock. Martinez
was 4-foot-11 and weighed 92 pounds. His blood-alcohol content
at the time of his death was .192.
Belen reported that after he shot Martinez, the Mexican dropped
the rock, uttered "Pardona me," and collapsed.
Martinez's brother Pablo, 13, said the two were from a village
in Guadalajara, and they had traveled eight days to reach the
border. They had planned to walk to Los Angeles.
The Border Patrol and Yuma County Sheriff's Office have both
closed investigations into the Martinez shooting; Stanley says
he spoke with one Yuma County investigator who insisted Belen
was not drunk, and was not shot in the back. The coroner's report
says otherwise.
The Border Patrol has a camera pointed at the spot where the
shooting occurred. Unfortunately, its operators told investigators,
it ran out of tape 20 minutes before the shooting. There's nothing
Stanley can do about a tape. He wants the pictures.
"The county attorney's interest here is secrecy, not privacy.
They've clearly gotten comfortable with the concept of the border
as a war zone where people die in grisly fashion. Otherwise, why
would they sue me for filing a public relations request? Basically,
they're saying, 'It's okay to shoot a Mexican, just don't let
anyone publish the photos.' That's cold."
That's the border.