By The Time The Shooting Starts, Will You Even Give A Damn?
By Jeff Smith
THE SCARIEST STORY that ran last week in The Arizona
Daily Star was not about Columbine High School and not about
Slobo the Serb. It didn't run on Page 1-A or even the front of
the Metro Section: it played below the fold on 9-A.
It was about screwing.
Did you realize that despite AIDS and herpes, the genital warts
that have become the tragic flaw around which dramatic new television
advertising revolves...despite ominous portents and shrill warnings
of every kind, humanity still is coupling, copulating and breeding
with verminous fecundity. Sometime early this autumn the world's
population is anticipated to hit another milestone: 6 billion.
That's a lot of disagreeable retired colonels in Winnebagos in
the fast lane, keeping you from getting to work on time. A lot
of sociopathic teenagers in trench coats, honing their homicidal
hatred on video games. A lot of brain-dead babies on life-support,
burning up a hundred grand a week in medical costs in the name
of the sanctity of human life.
Do I sound a trifle cynical? Sorry, it's been a bad week. This
Littleton thing has brought out the worst in the supposed best
of us. I read a column by a writer who used to show common sense
and uncommon wit, suggesting we repeal the Second Amendment. It
pretty much punctuated what I've been wondering for years: How
did so many Americans come to be so stupid, deluded and spoiled,
with regard to the essential qualities that make us Americans
and set us apart from the rest of the world?
I've been reading everything I can find in the popular press
about the Littleton high school murders and their aftermath, and
most of it is a fairytale melange of Chicken Little and the Boy
Who Cried Wolf. Guns, gun merchants and the NRA! Their hands reek
with the blood of innocents!
I have witnessed the nearest assault to slander and libel that
the First Amendment will tolerate, against supporters of the Second
Amendment and people who legally sell, own and use guns; and I
have watched the demonization of an inanimate object that mimics
the Salem witch trials, where Beelzebub was said to take the form
of a broom.
What I have not read is a harsh word about the lads who slaughtered
all those innocents in Colorado.
Aren't we civilized?
Well, hey: it says here in English Common Law that a person is
innocent until proven guilty. It's "not appropriate"
to criticize killers caught on film, witnessed by hundreds, confessed
in their own diaries. But if you're an officer of the NRA, or
a guy supporting his family in a local sporting goods store, or
a target shooter, a hunter, someone who takes personal responsibility
to the level of defending his life by carrying a concealed weapon,
your perfectly legal behavior is subject to scorn, threat and
insult by a hysteric faction of the political and public information
apparatus that lives in a dream world where we all would be safe
if we only beat our S&Ws into Microsoft shares and leave it
to Officer O'Reilly to shield us from things that go bump in the
As the saying goes, next time your daughter is being raped in
her own bedroom, dial 911 and then call Domino's. See which shows
up first, Officer O'Reilly or your pizza.
America was settled by men and women who refused to accept the
tyranny of monarchs who did not recognize their birthright to
speak their minds, worship their gods, and defend themselves with
arms. This includes the Indians who watched the Pilgrims come
ashore. Our revolution was won not by superior armies, but by
the simple truth that--unique in the world--we were a people who
almost universally possessed firearms and were skilled in their
use. The American common man was a hunter whose rifle fed and
defended his family. His British and European counterpart could
not hunt without permission from royalty, which owned the forests
and the game. Permission was seldom given and commoners even less
often owned arms.
The rest of the world most often does not understand the mindset
of free Americans, because they have never experienced the freedom
that is so much a part of our foundation and our national character.
I would not trade our freedom--with all its untidiness--for the
illusion of security and order under which the Old World exists.
It's fashionable in certain circles to regard Americans as violence-obsessed
swine who die in disproportionate numbers by casual gunfire. Study
the European experience in this century and consider how many
of them die bloody. Both world wars were of European manufacture.
So what was your point about the ethical superiority of Europeans?
Hundreds of thousands of American lives, how many gallons, or
if you prefer, liters, of American blood, have been spent to win
and to preserve an independence that is so nearly unexampled in
human history?
We are the only major world nation where humans are seen to possess
rights and freedoms approaching those of, say, field mice.
Now, with 12 children and a teacher dead at the hands of two
assholes, a lot of fools and knaves are crying, "This is
too much. You cannot put a price on human life. Take away our
guns and our freedom and make us safe!"
Well, it is not too much. Far more has been spent to earn these
You can put a price on human life, and it is freedom and individual
responsibility. In Kosovo today, in Hungary in the '50s, all over
the world in almost any year you can name, people starving for
freedom spend their blood and their lives seeking some small part
of the freedom Americans have come to take so much for granted
and too often value so cheaply.
Take away our Second Amendment and disarm the law-abiding American
citizen? If this thinking had prevailed two centuries ago we'd
still be subjects rather than citizens.
I do not fear my government. But neither do I imagine that we
and by extension our governors are not capable, in time, of evolving
into some variation on the Slobodan Milosevic theme. It is nationalistic
arrogance to assume that it could not happen here. We did elect
Richard Nixon.
So what do we do to prevent this? We keep our Second Amendment,
our First and all the others. We keep our guns. We keep our freedom.
What do we do to make our homes, schools, cities and country
less prone to outrageous lawlessness such as happened in Littleton?
We practice birth-control. Don't laugh: at the root of every
ill of modern life, every timeless problem of humankind, lies
overpopulation. We're back to that scary story at the bottom of
Page 9-A.
It took until 1804 to put 1 billion people on this planet: until
1959 there were just 3 billion. We've doubled that in 40 years
and the birthrate still is rising. And the Catholic Church, the
Republican Party, the conservative religious right, the Muslims
and most of the starving third-world nations still actively promote
reproduction, and damn birth control and abortion as sins against
God and traditional culture.
This is insane and unconscionable. Until and unless the Pope
and Pat Robertson and their ilk endorse the elderly as a protein
source and babies as a veal substitute, their policy on reproduction
is tantamount to promoting global suicide.
Think about it. And I mean really think about it.