A Harrowing Plane Ride, Images Carved In Stone, And A Haunting Native Flute Are The Stuff Of 'Legends.'
By Margaret Regan
WHEN MICHAEL UTHOFF came West seven years ago to become
artistic director of Ballet Arizona, he pledged to make dances
inspired by his new environment; or as he puts it, "to try
to subjugate my artistry to the nature and culture that surrounds
That's how he found himself in trouble in a tiny airplane on
a dark night in Canyon de Chelly a few years back. He and composer
Brent Michael Davids, a Mohican transplanted to Arizona, were
scoping out some of Arizona's natural wonders, in hopes of doing
a site-specific performance in a canyon or on a cliff.
"We got together with a guy who had a pilot's license to
look for a site," Uthoff remembers. "We had a very interesting
airplane ride."
The pilot tried to take off in the evening from Canyon de Chelly,
but "he couldn't get altitude. We had to return in the pitch
After a scare, the group did get back to earth, guided only by
the distant lights of a stadium, Uthoff says. But their troubles
weren't over. The next day, finally aloft, the plane ran out of
fuel. And as they approached Phoenix, the red warning lights on
the plane's instrument panel kept coming on. There was a problem
with the landing gear.
The controllers in Phoenix got the plane down safely. "It's
one of those things you can laugh about now," Uthoff says.
For all the group's woes, the envisioned site-specific piece never
did come off. Nevertheless, the trip did yield another ballet,
to be performed this weekend in The Legends: Native Spirits
in Motion concert at Pima Community College.
"Voices in Stone," a collaboration by Uthoff, Davids
and Hopi poet Ramson Lomatewama, is inspired by the Native American
petroglyphs the choreographer and composer saw during their week-long
trip from the Grand Canyon to Canyon de Chelly to the New River
near Phoenix. The petroglyphs, chipped into rock all over the
Southwest, typically depict humans, animals and abstract designs.
They're often found near water sources and good hunting grounds,
though archaeologists disagree whether they were intended as signals
or simply represent the human compulsion to make marks on the
land. The 1994 work, to be performed by some 28 dancers, doesn't
resolve any controversies.
"It's not an interpretation," Uthoff says. "But
it conveys the kind of image the figures give us, what they reflect."
The other two pieces in the concert, the season closer for Ballet
Arizona, continue the regional theme. Each is a collaboration
with a well-known artist who never before worked with the troupe--composer
R. Carlos Nakai and choreographer Moses Pendleton. Both of the
new works premiered in the company's Phoenix concerts over the
last two weekends.
Nakai, the Navajo-Ute composer and flutist, was commissioned
to write new music for "Inside of Me Things Are Moving,"
another Uthoff dance.
The title, Uthoff says, is "a loose translation of a Navajo
word for inner peace and quiet." The work knits together
common themes running through traditional Native American origin
stories. The first part is about water, earth and sun; the second
deals with the human life cycle. Like "Voices in Stone,"
the new work is danced by the entire company.
Pendleton is a co-founder of two highly regarded modern dance
companies, Pilobolus and MOMIX. Both troupes are famous for their
high-voltage athleticism, and Uthoff says Pendleton "challenged
the physicality of our dancers to the umpteenth degree."
It's another large group work--23 dancers perform.
Pendleton's original idea was to do a work based on Indian imagery
from New England, where Pilobolus is based, but when he came out
to Arizona, "he fell in love with the desert, with its flora
and fauna," Uthoff says. "He's taken images from our
desert and brought them to life in a striking way." And he
gave his piece a fine Arizona name: "Opus Cactus."
Ballet Arizona performs The Legends: Native Spirits in
Motion at 8 p.m. Friday, May 7, and at 4 and 8 p.m. Saturday,
May 8, at the PCC Center for the Arts, 2202 W. Anklam Road. Tickets
range from $17.50 to $37.50, with discounts for seniors and kids
12 and under. For tickets and information, call 1-888-3BALLET;
or call the PCC box office at 206-6988.