Take A Ride In The Tortalitas--While You Can.
By Kevin Franklin
NO TRESPASSING." So reads the sign at the beginning
of the Rail X Road, threatening any who would follow the major
artery into the east side of the Tortolita Mountains.
Most of the Tortolita Mountains fall under the jurisdiction of
the State Land Department. The land is supposed to be held in
trust as a source of future revenue for Arizona's school system.
As such, it's not managed with the idea that the state's citizens
should use it. In fact, until recently, if you didn't have a hunting
permit for the specific chunk of state land, you weren't welcome
at all and could be cited for trespass.
Recently a recreation permit became available for $15. Purchasing
the permit officially allows you to "recreate" on state
land as long as you remain on established roads.
I always stand on the mountaintops calling for more protection
for Arizona's wild places. So you might think I would be all in
favor of a threatening sign appearing to regulate impact on the
Tortolitas. But the fact is, the Land Department has nothing to
do with preservation or protection. Its purpose is to hold onto
land until it reaches what some bureaucrat deems its highest value
and then sell it off.
Past voter proposition efforts tried to change the law, thereby
allowing the state to swap environmentally sensitive land for
economically valuable land more suitable for development. Because
they were poorly written and even more poorly explained, the propositions
failed. The Tortolitas were once slated to become another giant
county park, like the Tucson Mountains. Now the future of the
northeastern Tortolitas will most likely turn out like the present
of the southeastern Tortolitas--Rancho Vistoso and acres of crappy,
tile-roofed, mono-homes here we come.
With little hope for the future of the mountains, I find the
sign banning the common citizen insulting. If they think I'm going
to pay $15 to some state agency to be fretted away recarpeting
the superintendent's office, without even the prospect of land
protection, they have another thing coming.
No trespassing my ass.
I blow by the sign with a single digit salute and head toward
the mountains.
With the summer furnace warming up, it will soon be mighty hot
for traipsing around the Tortolitas. But in the early morning,
a window of pleasant temperatures remains.
An excellent mountain bike loop exists for intermediate riders
who want to go fast on relatively smooth terrain, or beginning
riders who want an achievable challenge. We follow the Rail X
Road west from Oracle Road and the town of Catalina for three
and quarter miles. Just past a large wash we see a small dirt
road heading off to the north. We park near there and follow that
road on our bikes.
Almost immediately we see a smaller road heading off to the right--we
keep left. A half-mile after the start, we come to a triangle-shaped
intersection. The route to the right goes through, the one to
the left goes up a large hill for an overview of the area and
then dead-ends. A little more than a half-mile later, we come
to a fork in the road. The left fork heads off to an old windmill
and corral visible up ahead. The right fork goes through and crosses
a boggy wash. Soon after that we cross a cattle grate. Three-quarters
of a mile later we go right where the road T's.
One mile north of the "T" we cross Batamote Wash. Batamote
is Spanish for seep willow (Baccharis salicifolia) and
the graceful six-foot shrub can be found in the area. While outwardly
resembling a willow, it's actually part of the sunflower family.
Crossing the wash demands we get off and walk, as the loose sand
easily swallows mountain bike tires.
After the wash we stay on the main road and soon run into the
more heavily traveled west-east road. We follow that two miles
east to where it forks. We take the right fork and a half-mile
later take another fork to the left until that runs into the powerline
road. We follow the powerline road south until it hits Rail X
Road. We ride back to the truck. All told, this run makes for
an excellent 11-mile loop.
Now is the time to enjoy the desert marigolds and pincushion
cactus blooms before the summer heat, or ultimately Don Diamond,
destroy them.
Take Oracle Road three-quarters of a mile north of Catalina.
Right at the county line you will see the Rail X road heading
off to the west.
The Tortolita Mountains and Oracle Junction 7 1/2 minute topographical
maps are very useful for navigating in the area.