
by Gregory McNamee
The Thirty Years War: Dispatches and Diversions of a Radical
Journalist, 1965-1994, by Andrew Kopkind (Verso Books).
Paper, $20.
THE LATE ANDREW Kopkind possessed both the hard eye of
the street-wise reporter and the historical depth of a scholar.
In this anthology of his work for journals like The Nation
and Ramparts, both qualities are abundant. Reading through
Kopkind's literate reporting, one revisits recent history in flashback.
One episode concerns the "morality playlet" of Joe Namath's
forced resignation from professional football for owning a bar
in which gambling took place--while the owner of the New York
Jets also owned a race track in New Jersey and put big money on
the Super Bowl. Another episode addresses the abundant hypocrisies
of the ballyhooed Woodstock festival, "an environment created
by a couple of hip entrepreneurs to consolidate the culture revolution
and extract the money of its troops." Still another episode,
one much more recent, is Paul Reubens' (Pee-Wee Herman) big misadventure
in a Florida porno theatre. "Don't think you can survive
as a rebel, however hilarious, in TV's well-fortified cultural
garrison," Kopkind wisely observes.
Whether writing of the misdoings of presidents, Black Panthers
and Green Berets; of the Bay of Pigs, the Stonewall Riot, disco,
or modern literature, Kopkind commands the extraordinary ability
to delight and rile at the same moment. Shelve this collection
next to the best writings of I.F. Stone and H.L. Mencken in that
great library of books that torment the comfortable.
