
A Posse Of Concerned Citizens Sets Out To Lasso Growth And Brand It With Environmental Design.
By Mari Wadsworth
ARCHITECTURE IN Tucson? The subject, when raised at all,
seems to take the form of a question. In the 1950s, Life magazine
branded our main thoroughfare "the ugliest road in America";
and although the face of the city has changed dramatically since,
our collective impression doesn't seem to have improved.
And yet, people love Tucson. Not only have they been moving here
by the thousands (an estimated 800,000 of us and growing), but
city and county voters have consistently demonstrated their commitment
to preserve open spaces and invest in infrastructure, even when
it means going into debt. Between 1984 and 1997, four straight
bond packages for infrastructure and preservation have passed,
each bigger than the last, totaling billions of dollars for a
full range of public works--roads, sewers, parks, historical preservation
and public art.
What's more, we have a nationally reputed college of architecture,
landscape design and planning on the UA campus, right in the middle
of the city.
The Southern Arizona Chapter of the American Institute of Architects
estimates there are at least 450 registered architects in the
greater Tucson area; and of some 125 firms, 70 are active AIA
members, with projects constituting 80 percent of the construction
dollars spent in Tucson. The yellow pages list 184 private practitioners
and licensed firms in Tucson, advertising services in architecture,
landscape design, and city and regional planning. So why isn't
architectural design flourishing?
"There is something about this area," says retired
UA architecture professor Kirby Lockard. "You see evidence
of a lot of environmental activism. A lot of people really care
about the desert and the natural environment. But you don't see
any urban activists."
That's a niche he, and the fledgling environmental design advocacy
group Civitas Sonoran, hope to fill.
The group, also known as the Environmental Design Council, was
founded in spring of 1998 in cooperation with the recently expanded
College of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Architecture at
the UA. Richard Eribes, Dean of the college, conceived the group
as a means of community outreach. He called on architect Les Wallach
(principal of the architectural design firm Line and Space) and
Lockard to form a board of directors and solicit membership in
the design professions. More than 100 licensed practitioners have
joined so far.
While it's as yet an elite group, it's by no means elitist. The
handpicked, 15-member board includes academics and professionals
from all three disciplines; the majority of them have lived and
worked in Tucson for decades. Their purpose is to foster an interdisciplinary
approach to design and planning: to combine architecture, landscape
and urban planning to create "architecture of its time and
place," in Wallach's words.
In practical terms, that means architecture that responds to
the needs of a growing, urban populace without unduly taxing the
natural environment. It means getting beyond the no-growth vs.
any growth polarization. And it means opening the planning and
design process to critique and debate.
Their agenda, as yet undefined, could include issues as simple
as retiming stoplights to accomodate pedestrians rather than cars,
or as complex as a central city development plan so that urban
projects aren't lost to remote sites, as happened with the Arizona
International Campus and the new ballpark. It could even be as
visionary as pioneering a "view protection ordinance"
so that treasured public views--a vanishing urban species unto
themselves--won't be obstructed by future development.
"Everything in our environment is designed," says Lockard.
"It's just a matter of who it's designed for."
Unlike professional affiliations, membership in Civitas Sonoran
is open to "anybody concerned about urban design issues."
That includes developers, environmental activists, politicians,
builders, students and neighborhood groups as well as design professionals.
In other words, citizens who aren't necessarily used to being
at the same table, let alone on the same side.
It's a heady proposition, but hardly a new one in the design
community. The fact is, good design is flourshing in our
region. And by way of demonstration, Civitas has assembled Sonoran
Design of Its Time and Place: Determinants of Contemporary Environmental
Design in the Sonoran Desert, a members' exhibit opening Friday,
April 23, at the Tucson Museum of Art.
The exhibit defends the idea that good design is a necessity,
not a luxury; these are the principles by which plants and animals
have adapted and survived in the desert far longer than we have
(i.e., responding to the special characteristics of a place with
the innovative use of available materials). The goal is to shift
thinking about architecture away from style and toward "determinants":
in the desert, that includes light, color, shade, water and pattern.
The exhibit, which will continue through April 30 in the TMA
lobby, includes 46 projects by 12 member firms. Color photographic
images will be accompanied by narratives explaining each design's
intention and effect. A two-phase exhibit this summer in Meliora
Architectural Gallery, 178 E. Broadway, is in the works.
Civitas' broader goals are to increase public awareness and instill
a discussion of ethics into the dialog about design and planning.
Toward that end, the group formed an Issues subcommittee, chaired
by architect James Gresham. Their first opportunity presented
itself when Tucson City Manager Luis Gutierrez announced his plan
for a new City Hall.
"At first it was presented like a done deal," recalls
Lockard, "We need a new City Hall, and it will go here, on
the grassy knoll next to the Main Library. But a 15-member committee
was appointed by the city, and three of our group members were
on that committee: Les, Bob Vint and David Duffy. The committee
agreed there were some alternatives that should be looked at,
and Les, because he was involved with Civitas Sonoran, suggested
our group spend some time looking at the problem."
The resulting study rejected the original site entirely, and
instead presented four alternatives. Civitas' presentation also
recommended the city hire a professional architectural consultant
to further research and develop alternatives, which they did.
At a Civitas board meeting on
April 8, Wallach was optimistic on the outcome of the March 22
design review. While still in progress at that time, the revised
plan by the IEF Group (the city's hired consultant) would offer
at least two options for a responsive, creative scheme, one of
which recommended the expansion of the existing City Hall, and
redesign of the concrete-and-brick civic plaza.
Other projects on the horizon include analysis of a members survey
ranking urban design issues, a home tour, and a catalog and exhibit
this October of the work of Judith Chaffee, a rare female designer
and longtime UA prof who died last year after a protracted battle
with lung cancer. Six of her projects will be featured in the
TMA exhibit.
Civitas has a long, paved but unchartered road ahead of it. But
the most important thing they hope to build is community. As their
literature states, "The future of our Sonoran environment
depends on all of us."
Sonoran Design of Its Time and Place opens with
a reception from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, April 23, at the Tucson
Museum of Art, 140 N. Main Ave. Regular museum hours are 10
a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and noon to 4 p.m. Sunday.
Museum admission is $2, free on Tuesdays. For more information
call 624-2333.
For information on membership in Civitas Sonoran,
the Environmental Design Council, call the UA College of Architecture,
Planning and Landscape Architecture at 621-6751.