A classic example of the perks the local political class reserves for itself emerged last week. Various press accounts told the saga of state Rep. Phil Hubbard, a Pima County Democrat, and his encounter with a speeding ticket. Seems Hubbard got nailed by a DPS officer for doing 69 in a 55 zone on a Phoenix freeway. Hubbard claims he's immune from getting that ticket while the Legislature is in session, and he's pissed at the cop for stopping him because he was "late for an important meeting." Gee, try leaving earlier, Phil.
So what's the forthright method Hubbard used to press his immunity claim? He gave the ticket to the lobbyist for the DPS officers and told him to take care of it. The lobbyist turned the ticket over to the DPS officer who handles security for the state House.
Hubbard claims the Arizona Constitution protects him from being cited. Supposedly, once upon a time, legislators were stopped by cops acting in collusion with rural sheriffs to prevent them from voting on stuff. And, once upon a time, Geronimo cut telegraph wires. And that same Arizona Constitution had a provision that prohibited women from holding elective office--a provision we didn't get around to repealing until a few years ago.
That the need for the immunity provision no longer exists--if it ever did--is obvious. That Hubbard is using it to try to weasel out of a traffic ticket is but one more disgusting example of why the general public is fed up with arrogant politicians. That's the same general public that has to comply with speed limits legislative twits like Hubbard set, even when they are also late for important meetings.
Speed limits are for the safety of those who use public roads. They should apply to the likes of Hubbard and all other moron politicians. They're our representatives, folks, not our rulers.
Be a man, Phil, and just pay the ticket.
--Emil Franzi
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