
There's Something Even More Outré Than The Festival.
By Stacey Richter
IF YOU'RE LOOKING for something a little more outré than
the regular programming at the admittedly adventurous Arizona
Film Festival, step across the street to Grill, the all-night
restaurant at 100 E. Congress St. For your viewing pleasure, Grill
will be hosting four late-night video salons in its lavishly appointed
Red Room, beginning at 11 p.m. with screenings that, mercifully, will not conflict with
any other festival programming. The videos to be shown have been
deemed "very interesting" by festival director Guilio
Scalinger, but not quite right for the festival proper. The Grill
offerings promise to be lo-fi, sexual, earnest, and weird.
Included are Devil Tour '94, a series of news reports
chronicling the appearance of a horned satyr in an assortment
of locations--a devil who turns out to be the filmmaker. On the
same program (April 19) is the controversial Footsie, the
saga of a foot fetishist that straddles the line between offensive
and interesting.
On April 22, Grill will host Northwest Exposure, a variety
of videos curated by Blackchair Productions, a Seattle organization
with a reputation for spreading the idea of "microcinema"
across the country. Microcinema is kind of like the cinematic
equivalent of microbrewed beer--these are shorter, intimate, and
idiosyncratic works intended to be viewed by small, congenial
audiences. The 64-minute program will show 14 films, including
an updated "Reefer Madness," on the continuing corrupting
effects of the evil herb; "Donut Holes," an exciting
new contribution to the genre of the bingo documentary; "Cop
Some Glue," a grassroots response to corporate media; and
"Three," a disturbing film about a young boy witnessing
a sexual encounter outside a rural shack.
Other programs in the Video Salon series include an evening of
"cinematic absurdities" by Mike Plante on April 23.
Plante recently showed his 16mm, locally made films to enthusiastic
crowds at the Screening Room. Plante's films will be augmented
with live music by Bob Log III, the sprightly musician of Doo
Rag fame; and, though I don't know exactly what this means, the
filmmakers promise that this night will be a special "Ladies'
Yes, there's more. Look at your festival program for details.
And to sweeten the deal, admission to the Video Salon is a scant
$2, with coffee and iced tea compliments of Grill, to keep you
wired and watching well into the wee hours.