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Stormy WeatherTo the Editor, Regarding Jennifer Santiago's letter ("Weather or Not," March 25): What a pathetic attempt at self-promotion she created for herself. First of all, Jennifer, instead of requesting a magazine interview, try making a name for yourself with the quality of your on-air broadcasts.
Come on, don't enter the weather business, have someone do all of the work and tell you what to say, and then plead to the readers that you want to achieve the lofty goal of being named "Favorite Weathercaster" by the readers of The Weekly. Let's save that distinction for those who busted their humps in college perfecting their crafts as meteorologists, like Paul Huttner or Tom Johnston. Maybe I can switch roles and represent Vinnie "The Mongoose" at his racketeering trial by calling my cousin Joe, a practicing attorney in White Plains, NY, and having him tell me what to say. Leave the weather to the experts, or you've relegated yourself to that fraternity of weather goofballs like that clown Willard Scott (pun intended), who dedicates the majority of his on-air time to wishing Happy 107th Birthday to Edna in South Dakota and casually mentions, in the final 10 seconds of his time, that 22 people were killed by a tornado that swept through a Texas neighborhood. Get a clue about the workings of the atmosphere, relay the information in a professional manner, and people will take notice of you on their own, without the need of having a self-requested article about yourself. And, by the way, Camille Harris and Sally Shamrell aren't meteorologists, either. --Jim Mele To the Editor, Which jerk at the Tucson Weekly made the decision to print Jennifer Santiago's letter to the editor and then answer it in such a rude and condescending way? Why? For what reason other than to dismiss her and possibly elevate your lowly little rag? Did you do it because she is a Latina? Because she is beautiful? Or because she has the gumption to promote herself? Perhaps you wanted to save room for that tired, boring expose on Edward Abbey we have all seen or read for the millionth time. I suppose it is important to yet again tell the story of this artist, poet, long-winded, angry and alcoholic white-man. Yes, we never get to hear or read about the opinions of white men. Maybe you wanted to give another column or two to Jeff Smith--another angry, long-winded, opinionated, savvy, surly, white man. We can never get enough of his opinions. Or maybe Tom Danehy, ex-sporto man's-man, now a castrated suburban househusband. You guessed it--another white man. If you need to ask what is wrong with that, just look at Tucson. Everyone in this town thinks they are smarter than everyone else in the world because they were genius enough to take a wrong turn in Phoenix and end up here. Tucson--"It's a great place to bring up kids, get out of the rat race and enjoy that dry heat." It's a great place to live as long as you don't go south of 22nd Street where all those "Spanish" people live. But then there's the savvy group of anglo-transplants who do wander south of 22nd Street and come back with a grizzly beard, turquoise jewelry and bitter verse, and we're supposed to think they're some kind of hero? They buy that charming little bungalow designed by "you-know-who" in the Sam Hughes neighborhood, take their doggy for its daily dump on the UA Mall and blab to their 40-something hubby about how the Tucson downtown art scene is about to really take off. This is the Tucson Weekly's audience, and heaven forbid if The Weekly would violate its sensibilities by running an article about an attractive Latina with a bit of an ego. Instead, you'll print her mug shot so that Tucson can know who they're laughing at, looking down their nose at. "Boy, that Spanish girl has gall. Who does she think she is? We'll show her." It will be a cold day in hell indeed. A cold day in hell before Tucsonans pull their heads out of their asses and realize this isn't such a great place to live for a great many people. If you are motivated, hungry and ready to work, this town will hold you back with its lazy, status-quo mentality. Ask any kid in town and they will tell you that Tucson is the most boring place on earth. While you're at it ask anybody trying to build a career. I am one person who has lived here his entire life and has had enough. I'm going to leave as soon as I can. (I know what you're saying and right back at ya.) Here's your chance to add a snappy little response to the end of my note. Be sure to make it short and sweet and full of ridicule. Maybe you can find some quote from Edward Abbey or some other brittle bastard you dig up. This is one Mexican who is saying "adios" to all you transplanted peckerwoods, now and throughout history. May you all rot in hell just as soon as it is done freezing over. --Michael J. Urena To the Editor, Wow! WB really has it made with Jennifer Santiago. If it weren't for her, where would that station be? Remind me again, what story is it that she has for The Weekly, anyway? Jennifer 101? Thanks, but no thanks. --Roxanna Gwinnup To the Editor, I just read your rebuttal to Jennifer Santiago's letter. I am appalled at your lack of tact and rudeness. It is a small person who belittles another. Not only have you lost another reader, but I will cancel all of my future advertising with the Tucson Weekly. --Steve Gray We Want Letters! Thrilled by our brilliant insights? Sick of our mean-spirited attacks? Need to make something perfectly clear? Write: tucsonweekly@tucsonweekly.com
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