Longtime County Bureaucrat Dan Felix Jumps Cityside.
By Chris Limberis
DAN FELIX IS a short-timer. Once tabbed as the next county administrator--a title that never materialized for him--Felix is leaving his job as director of
Pima County Parks and Recreation to take the similarly titled,
but much bigger, job at the City of Tucson. In the tiny group
of bureaucrats--four--who've run parks and rec in the county and
the city, Felix makes history as the only one to head both departments.
Appointed by the City Council late last month, Felix, 49, takes
over at the city on Monday, April 12.
In a career marked by a reserved, subtle confidence, Felix was
talking on his last few days not just about his new job, a clear
promotion in terms of the profession, but of the quirks peculiar
to the county parks system.
There was the equipment from Ajo's long dormant roping arena
that would finally be moved to other facilities in that western
Pima County outpost, renovation and preservation of Robles Ranch
west of Tucson, and of course, the line items in the record $82.5
million in bond projects county voters approved nearly two years
"We have nothing but great things to be done over the next
eight years that the public said it wants done. It will leave
a legacy in the community for everyone who loves quality of life,"
Felix said of the optimism the bond vote leaves--even as the county's
mounting debt threatens to forestall some of the projects because
of dwindling operating and maintenance funds.
"We'll have to adjust," says Felix, who counts the
budget crunch, and how to deal with it, as valuable lessons he
takes to the city. "We learn in government to live within
our means, which is what the taxpayers can afford. Pima County
will not disappear."
Neither showy nor scared, Felix began his career not long after
he graduated from Canyon del Oro High School in 1968. He served
as a recreation aide at Harelson School, and after graduating
from the University of Arizona, Felix started full time in the
county parks department. He rose to the number three spot before
trying--and failing--to get in at the city parks department as
the recreation superintendent under the man he is succeeding,
Jim Ronstadt.
He then moved to the County Manager's Office, where he worked
on special projects and was an assistant to a succession of managers.
In 1989, he waded through the county's oddly diffuse structure
to succeed Gene Laos at Parks & Rec. Technically, and as a
form of appeasement, Felix was hired by the appointed Parks &
Rec Commission to work under then-County Manager Enrique Serna
in a job funded by the Board of Supervisors.
Felix took over from Gene Laos, the only parks and recreation
director the county had known. Critics called Laos one of the
most entrenched, obdurate bureaucrats the county had. Laos's administration
was marked by autocratic rule that benefitted his buddies and
sometimes himself.
Indeed, Laos was defiant when he was exposed for being in the
Three Amigos partnership that owned and operated a tourist-trap
Mexican restaurant within Old Tucson, the county-owned western
theme park. Old Tucson was then, and is now, under the Parks and
Recreation Department, and all its leases must be approved by
the parks director. Laos was eventually busted for that conflict
of interest. He served a one-week suspension. The County Attorney's
Office declined to prosecute him based on the obviously spurious
legal rationale that the restaurant reportedly lost money.
"When I came in here as director, it was at a time when
the employees wanted to be challenged and directed to get things
done," Felix says.
Among his sources of pride at the county are the restyled and
beefed up Natural Resource Parks Division. It's headed by longtime
parks and recreation administrator Gale Bundrick, whose superior
knowledge of the county's open spaces, such as Tucson Mountain
Park, has been allowed to flourish.
Felix also is proud of the work of his key planners, Jim Mullady
and Steve Anderson.
Felix has been credited with opening his department and its planning
to community and neighborhoods, something that his city supporters
say they're looking forward to.
The Department grew from an annual budget of $2.5 million in
1990 to $10 million this year.
His county tenure has been far from trouble-free. He was thrown
into the breech on two monumental developments brought by land
speculator Donald R. Diamond at Rocking K and Pima Canyon. Critics
say he went too easy on Diamond at Pima Canyon and failed to get
all the necessary perpetual agreements for parking, parks and
trail access.
Old Tucson, with lackadaisical building and fire code inspections,
burned to the ground in 1994. A Diamond offshoot held, and continues
to hold, the amusement park's general operating lease. Also under
Felix's watch, cost overruns have swamped the county's major league
spring training complex at Kino Veterans Memorial Sports Park.
Despite warnings, turf at the new ballpark was not right and had
to be replaced.
"He didn't lay the turf," says Democratic Supervisor
Raul Grijalva, in a typical defense of Felix, whose long hours,
low-keyed approach and accessibility to supervisors and critics
helped ward off any substantial hits.
The decade also tested Felix physically. He's overcome multiple
hernias, two foot surgeries, and thyroid cancer--he had a baseball-sized
tumor removed. He credits his wife, Madonna, for pulling him through
those episodes, as well as setting him on a more healthful course
of diet and exercise.
Felix says he'll use his tested approach at the much larger,
more recreation-intensive city department.
"I'm not going to come in and order things and make unilateral
changes," Felix says. "I'm going to sit down with people,
talk, read and analyze. It's the same type of situation, where
people are ready to be challenged."
He takes over a department that has 685 employees and a $52.6
million budget. He will be paid $95,000 a year, up from the $86,000
he got at the county.
The pick was not without surprise. The city rarely hires top
administrators from the county, and Felix was up against John
Jones, a dedicated soldier on some of the city's more troubling
pursuits, including annexation.
Some are looking to Felix to change the culture ingrained by
longtime Parks Director Jim Ronstadt.
City Councilman Steve Leal, a three term Democrat from southside
Ward 5, says Felix "has a real good sense of the city and
urban and social issues and the way parks and recreation fits
in. He's predisposed to that. He's easy to deal with--not in the
sense that you can push him around--and that's real welcome."
Democrat José Ibarra, now seeking a second term in westside
Ward 1, was more blunt:
"It will be nice to have a department head that we won't
have to fight so hard with just to do the right thing," Ibarra
says. "You can talk to Felix. You may not always agree. But
he won't hold it against you for 20 years. It got real old having
to kiss the ring (of Ronstadt). I had to genuflect."
Ronstadt's son, Fred, is the lone Republican member of the Tucson
City Council. He's not a Felix supporter.
"The former parks director," young Ronstadt says,
"recommended (assistant parks director) Glenn Dixon. I believe
we had the talent within the organization in Glenn Dixon or Peg
Weber. I grew up with them and I think they would have continued
to do an excellent job. And why do we want to import people from
a system that is fiscally irresponsible?"
One of the issues confronting Felix is the deficit rung up by
the city's golf courses.
Felix's move also is reviving discussion of consolidation of
the city and county parks and recreations departments. He now
is uniquely qualified although he realizes that he spoke and wrote
against such plans previously.
Leal says Felix may give members of the Board of Supervisors
the necessary trust to begin consolidation.
But Ibarra says he believes city-county consolidation should
not be experimented via such large departments.
"It would be set up for failure," Ibarra says. "We
should start with smaller departments such as procurement and