Some Amphi Parents Could Use A Refresher Course In American Government.
By Emil Franzi
A GROUP OF parents in the Amphitheater School District
who support a controversial new high-school site are attempting
to reduce the participation of the one member of the Amphi School
Board--Nancy Young Wright--who disagrees with them and opposes
the site.
They claim Wright's membership, past and present, in environmental
groups that oppose the site because of the possible presence of
the endangered pygmy owl constitutes a "conflict of interest."
They allege Wright has violated conflict-of-interest law because
she's been present at school board executive sessions during discussions
of legal strategies to be used against the environmental groups.
The pro-high-school-site parents also demand that once a decision
has been reached by a majority on the Amphi School Board, those
members who disagree are bound to support the decision of the
The depth of ignorance these parents display--about the nature
of government in America, as well as the nature of our individual
freedoms--is abysmal, if not downright scary.
Let's put aside for a moment recent allegations that some of
the Amphi School Board's executive sessions have been highly questionable--and
perhaps illegal--evasions of Arizona's Open Meetings Law; instead,
let's look at the nature of the charge these people bring against
First, state and local conflict-of-interest laws invariably refer
to public officials committing acts or casting votes which cause
them, or their close kin or business associates, to make money
at public expense. There's nothing Wright has done that will
make her, or anybody close to her, any money. There is simply
no conflict, legal or moral.
Furthermore, in a moral sense at least, the same probably can't
be said for the head of the self-appointed parents group, Esther
Underwood. Her husband owns AAA Landscaping, one of the biggest
in town and rated by The Arizona Daily Star as Pima County's
212th-largest employer, with 170 full-time equivalent workers.
It isn't difficult to suppose that an outfit this big just might
have some interest in doing landscaping business with school districts.
But does Esther Underwood have a "conflict of interest,"
in a legal sense, when she cheers on the bladers and graders?
No--she isn't a public official, and she can do what she wants.
It's obvious, however, that she isn't the pure-hearted "soccer
mom" the daily press has made her out to be through its sloppy
reporting. In fact, Underwood's efforts to stifle those who oppose
her smack of ignorant political hooliganism.
Despite Mrs. Underwood's ill-informed claims, the dissenter on
an elected board does not have to go along with what she
perceives to be a bad decision by the majority, nor are the dissenter's
official duties and responsibilities diminished when her constituents
fight that majority decision. That would be a ludicrous negation
of the basic principles of representative government. If some
of the voters don't like the dissenter's actions, that's what
the recall statute is for. Under the American system, at least,
we cannot reduce the role of the elected officials we dislike;
we can only change who they are.
Furthermore, Wright can not only encourage those groups she's
part of to sue the board she's on over a bad decision, she could
become the plaintiff herself, if she wished, and attend
executive session involving her own lawsuit, just like Pima County
Supervisor Ed Moore once did.
At any rate, it would be fascinating to see what happens if Amphi
voters change the makeup of their school board in November. Will
the two surviving supporters of the high school then find themselves
banned from executive sessions and forced to go along with a new
In the meantime, Wright not only has the God-given right to be
a member of anything she damn well pleases, she should be lauded
for having the guts to stick with those who brought her to the
When Wright ran for the School Board, it was no secret she was
a neighborhood activist who helped form and lead the Oro Valley
Neighborhood Coalition, chairs the buffers group, and was at one
time a member of the Southwest Center for Biological Diversity.
This devotion to environmental causes probably helped her get
That's what representative government is all about.