
IN THE DAYS before the Berenstain Bears and R.L. Stine's
imaginative Goosebumps series seized the market, the work
of Maurice Sendak (Where the Wild Things Are, 1963) rested
high on the list of best-selling children's books. Although it
has lately been overshadowed by other artists and writers, Sendak's
work has been widely influential--John Cech even attributes The
Troggs' 1967 pop hit "Wild Thing" to his most famous
book, although that may be a bit of a stretch--and has spawned
many imitators. But no one else quite commands Sendak's range
of cultural reference, to say nothing of his mastery of form.
Over the course of his 30-odd published books (each of which
has spawned many editions in many languages), Sendak has established
a style at once fantastic and realistic. "Mine was a childhood,"
Cech quotes Sendak as saying, "colored with memories of village
life in Poland, never actually experienced but passed on to me
as a persuasive reality by my immigrant parents." Like another
artist operating under the same influences, Marc Chagall, Sendak
incorporated whole worlds in tiny brush strokes, as seen in the
pages of books like Outside Over There and In the Night
And those worlds are wonderful places to visit, as millions of
readers have learned.
Cech captures Sendak's life and spirit in this fluently written,
heavily illustrated biography and critical study. A professor
of children's literature, he easily connects Sendak's body of
work to several traditions, incorporating both folkloric and psychological
viewpoints. He also makes an interesting case for seeing Sendak
as something of a natural anarchist who urges adults to strip
away what Freud called "blessed amnesia," to reclaim
the wonder and innocence of childhood, to encourage children to
resist rules and to remember--shades of Kropotkin--that they "must
care for other children and depend on other children for survival."
For that reason, perhaps, Sendak's books remain today among those
censors private and public constantly seek to keep out of children's
hands, books that ask children to believe in the possibility of
worlds better than our own. Anyone who believes in just that possibility
will want to own a shelf full of Sendak's work, and this handsome
companion volume as well.
By Gregory McNamee