Lillian Hellman's 1934 Play Isn't Nearly As Outdated As Some Might Suppose.
By Margaret Regan
LAST WEEK IN a Boston suburb, some parents demanded a large
payment from their school district, claiming their daughter was
denied her right to an education. The reason? The teenager is
too distraught to continue in public high school after learning
that her social studies teacher is a lesbian.
This nasty little episode of extortion suggests that Lillian
Hellman's 1934 play, The Children's Hour, is not nearly
so outdated as some might have supposed. Brought to the stage
in a serviceable production by One In Ten Theatre Company, the
disturbing 62-year-old play hinges on an unfounded accusation
that two women who run a private school are lovers.
The lie seeps through the lives of the two women like a slow
poison, depriving them of far more than their livelihoods. The
playwright documents how utterly ruinous it was in her day for
a person to be touched by even a rumor of homosexuality, true
or false. But beyond this social documentation, Hellman takes
on more universal themes of good and evil. In The Children's
Hour, whose ironic title derives from the Longfellow poem
about childhood innocence, an unexplained evil takes root in a
young girl.
Played wonderfully by Leila Nadel-Cadexa, a junior at Tucson
High School, Mary is the quintessential bad seed, a born manipulator
who sets the action in motion by whispering lies to her wealthy
grandmother. But the seed manages to thrive only because it's
nourished by the adults around her. Their thoughtless willingness
to casually destroy other people's lives is more evil than Mary's
pure malice.
These are big themes for a small community theatre company, especially
one like One In Ten that has weathered scathing reviews and small
audiences all season. (The company is going on hiatus after this
show, having canceled a production planned for May.) But the troupe
is up to the challenge in this production, directed by Scott Seitzberg,
a local actor who with this play makes his Tucson directing debut.
Though sometimes the actors rush to get their lines out, on the
whole the cast of 13 performs well. Hilary Pursehouse does a star
turn as a flamboyant, self-centered elocutionist. Laura Ann Herman
is engaging as Karen, one of the accused teachers, and Ben Priam
is likable as her well-meaning fiancé. Seitzberg has even
gotten decent performances out of the show's five other youngsters,
including even the youngest, 10-year-old Katherine Adam.
But unfortunately, Lissa Diaz mars the ensemble work with a one-note,
muffled performance as Martha, the other teacher. She talks too
fast and too quietly, and she swallows her words instead of projecting
them out toward the audience. It's a pity that a weak lead has
been allowed to diminish an otherwise decent production.
The Children's Hour continues Wednesdays through
Sundays through March 30 at the Historic Y Theatre, 738 N. Fifth
Ave. Curtain is at 8 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, 7 p.m. Sundays.
Tickets are $9 in advance, $10 at the door. For reservations and
information call 770-9279.