March 16 - March 22, 1995

Crop Busters

THOSE MADCAP MONKEYS at the Arizona Senate are at it again, bashing big government while drafting laws to send a sober citizenry rolling in the aisles. Striking a blow for Arizona's embattled agriculturists--who, it appears, aren't content to suck up all but free CAP water and massive subsidies for their surplus crops--the Senate Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment committee last week approved, by a vote of 7-1, a bill outlawing "willful and malicious information" about the state's crops.

Worry all you want about the quality of the food you put on your table, in other words, but don't you dare publicly accuse an Arizona grower of peddling wormy apples, having an intemperate fondness for Alar, Malathion, and other goodies from the cropduster's cornucopia, or giving bad weight.

Before this lamebrained bill becomes law, we suggest that you write your senator to suggest that the First Amendment still obtains, even in Arizona, and that House Bill 2257 be sent to the compost pile. And in your daily speech and thought, as a righteous exercise in civil disobedience, please feel free to borrow from, add to, and otherwise disperse the following list of defamatory terms for vicious vegetables, frowzy fruits and other products brought to you by the Grand Canyon State's welfare farmers. Now, get to slandering, everybody, and be sure to ask for them by name:

altered alfilaria

altricial alfalfa

amoral amaranth

assumptive asparagus

bibulous beans

brazen broccoli

cankerous cantaloupe

captious cabbage

carnal carrots

charnel chiltepines

churlish chipotles

concupiscent corn

crapulous cucumbers

eructative endive

fatuous favas

gallactorrheous garlic

gangrenous grapes

garish garbanzos

griseous grapefruit

hallucinotic jalapeños

harlotous jojoba

hidrotic jicama

hooligan hops

lentiginous lentils

licentious lettuce

liceridden limes

mealymouthed muskmelons

mewling millet

occlusive okra

oligarchical olives

onanistic onions

opprobrious oranges

orificial oregano

pecksniffian pecans

puerile pumpkins

pusillanimous peas

putrescent peppers

salacious sage

shambolic shallots

sororicidal sorghum

squamous squash

stridulous stringbeans

suppurating sunflowers

sympatholytic sugarbeets

tedious teparies

tomentose tomatoes

tumefacient tomatillos

virulent verbena

whiffling wheat

zoolatrous zucchini

--Gregory McNamee

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March 16 - March 22, 1995

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