How City Staffers Take Care Of Themselves At The Expense Of Those They're Supposed To Help -- A Brief, Sorry History.
By Dave Devine
IN 1995 THE Tucson City Council told the Community Services
Department, which provides housing and other assistance to the
poor, not to spend $1.7 million on a new headquarters building.
Instead, the council members said, they wanted to spend that money
on housing and youth programs.
But a few weeks ago, the council approved almost $5 million to
construct a new building for Community Services, even though the
proposal has been labeled a "Taj Mahal" by one council
How did this switcheroo come about?
In 1979 the city acquired the 408-unit Tucson House high-rise
apartment complex on Oracle Road and converted it to public housing
for the elderly and disabled. The next year some Community Services
offices were moved to the complex's ground floor, wiping out 19
apartments. In 1986 more Community Services employees relocated
to the building.
The growth in the number of city employees at the Tucson House
eventually created too much congestion for officials. But the
building was certainly better than some other city office space,
like the old department store on Pennington Street that for years
has served as a city hall annex.
In 1993 officials announced the Tucson House was not meeting
the building code's structural strength requirements. The next
year an analysis of the ground floor showed that instead of having
a capacity to carry 50 to 70 pounds per square foot, the standard
for office uses, the area--not surprisingly--had been built to
handle 40, the residential requirement.
Furthermore, due to the presence of filing cabinets and other
equipment related to office use, loads of up to 100 pounds per
square foot were being placed on the building, according to city
officials. Based on that finding, and the congested conditions,
Community Services officials decided to leave Tucson House.
In March 1995 they asked the City Council to authorize $1.725
million either to build or acquire a new facility. But Karen Thoreson,
Community Services director, admitted the figure was a ballpark
number and it could eventually double.
But the City Council, by a 5-to-1 vote, denied the request. Then-councilman
Bruce Wheeler said he wasn't convinced of a compelling reason
to move the department. He added that he'd rather spend the money
on other urgent needs of youths and the poor, and he pointed out
there were many other city departments that also needed new space.
"We've got so many people in the community who've been on
waiting lists (for housing services) for six or eight years,"
Councilman Steve Leal said at the time, "and we haven't been
able to find the money for them. Yet when [city bureaucrats] have
a need, we seem to be able to find the money."
City staffers suggested that a second structural analysis could
be done on the building. The council, however, rejected that idea--twice.
Nevertheless, city staffers performed a second structural investigation
in late 1995.
The resulting report confirmed the findings of the first analysis.
It concluded, "This overloading could lead to the development
of stress cracks and excessive deflections in the floor slab...Due
to floor coverings, the current condition of the first-floor slab
could not be observed." Thus, while use of the Tucson House
as office space obviously exceeded building code standards, the
actual structural impacts after 15 years of Community Services'
presence in the space were unknown.
By 1996 the makeup of the council was different, some members
had changed their minds, and city staffers were back with another
request. This time they were suggesting the preparation of a $150,000
design report on a possible new Community Services building.
While four council members--George Miller, Janet Marcus, Shirley
Scott and Michael Crawford--supported the idea, then-councilwoman
Molly McKasson remained unconvinced. She said some people were
homeless in Tucson because the city lacked sufficient money to
house them, and added she was "concerned with not just the
appearance but the substance of the request."
Thoreson reported that Community Services officials had looked
at the option of staying in the Tucson House, but it would cost
$500,000 or more for structural improvements, and that a sizable
amount of space would be lost. She also said, "Your support
of this (request) only allows us to proceed through some design,
financing and further feasibility analysis. It does not approve
any future funds."
But three months later the department's departure from the Tucson
House was cemented by an unrelated council action. As part of
its consent agenda, those routine issues which are adopted without
discussion, the council was asked to approve a financing plan
for the rehabilitation of the entire Tucson House building.
The five-page communication on the issue from the City Manager
contained one sentence which indirectly indicated that Community
Services offices would be converted back into apartments if the
financing plan were approved. When the item passed, the department's
move from the building was settled.
Even before they got that approval, Community Services officials
had been pursuing the construction of a new building in cooperation
with the United Way in the Rio Nuevo development west of downtown.
Councilman José Ibarra, who represents the area, calls
the proposed $4.9 million building a "Taj Mahal." He
says he'd rather see some of the money spent on providing services
to people.
Ibarra also believes Community Services should be more centrally
located. He asked to discuss the entire proposal last year, but
that never happened.
Thoreson says department officials looked at a number of existing
downtown buildings. But lack of parking and sufficient square
footage led them to recommend building a new facility. She also
admits the reserve-account funds which will pay for the new structure
could otherwise be used for projects related to public housing
or for services to tenants of the Tucson House.
So plans are proceeding for a late summer ground-breaking for
the new facility. Ibarra continues to protest the project, but
when he does, he says city staffers "just smile at me."