The Irish Are Coming, Among Others.
By Margaret Regan
LAST SUNDAY, IN the vaulted dance studio at Rincon/University
High School, complete with wood floors and arty brick walls, the
members of Tucson's NEW ARTiculations learned a new move or two.
New York choreographers Max Stone and Jana Hicks led the modern
dance company and a few freelance dancers through combinations
in the Stone technique, a jazz idiom that emphasizes the transitions
between gestures.
"That's where dance is," Hicks told the group, "in
the connection between movements. It's like music. Music happens
in the space between notes."
The New Yorkers were just the latest in a series of master teachers
the little company has brought to town to shake up the local scene.
At noontime, the choreographers basked in the desert sun and offered
practical advice to the fledgling NEW ART folks, whose most pressing
concern was how to get themselves noticed in their hometown. The
dancers had gone to the Philadanco concert at Centennial Hall
the night before, a fine concert that attracted over 1,500 people,
and NEW ART co-founder Leigh Ann Rangel puzzled over how they
could get some of that dance audience for themselves.
"Dance anywhere you can," Stone advised. "Schools,
old folks' homes."
As it happens, NEW ART has been doing exactly that. If you haven't
caught their appearances at, say, Club Congress, you can see their
Downtown Saturday Night debut this weekend. They'll perform outdoors
in the Ronstadt Transit Center at 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, March
6. On the program will be the new Stone/Hicks piece that's been
evolving all this week. Also: a Rangel work performed by 11 Rincon/UHS
dance students; co-founder Jennifer Pollack's duet with Nate Dryden;
a Pollack solo of Tommy Parlon's "Drift"; and an improvisation
structured by Dryden. The final Stone/Hicks master class will
be from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday at Rincon/UHS, at a cost of $12.
For information on this or the regular NEW ART dance classes at
61 E. Congress St., call 622-5018.
NEW ART will not be the only dance company on the scene Saturday
night. At 7:30 p.m., dancers from the UA Dance Division will perform
at the bus station on a portable dance floor, in a movement collaboration
inspired by the various Merged Realities science/art shows
at downtown galleries. Southern Arizona Dance Theatre is next
up after the UA students. They'll continue the science theme with
a kaleidoscope ballet based on calculus and geometry.
Patrons who want to go to a big show on the Philadanco model
have another option. One of the elaborate show-bizzy Irish dance
companies will be in town all weekend at the TCC Music Hall, 260
S. Church Ave. Spirit of the Dance stars Patricia Murray,
world Irish dance champion, in a big-chorus show that's more about
tap, jazz, ballet and flamenco than it is about the austerity
of traditional Irish step dance. Shows are at 8 p.m. Thursday
and Friday; 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday; and 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday. Tickets
are $26.50 to $35.50, available at the TCC box office (791-4266)
and Dillard's (1-800-638-4253). But don't forget about the struggling
home-town troupes.