It's UCLA. We Hate That School.
By Tom Danehy
EIGHT REASONS WHY the UA men's team absolutely must
beat UCLA on Saturday. And it has nothing to do with momentum
heading into the NCAAs. You'll recall that when the Cats won the
NCAAs two years ago, they were coming off a season-ending twin
thumping in the Bay Area.
1. It's UCLA. We hate that school. Over the years, UCLA has been
transformed from noble giant to classless behemoth. When John
Wooden was there, the Bruins could do no wrong. They stood for
truth, justice, and NCAA championships fairly won.
After he retired, his aura permeated the place for a while, but
as the years went by, they got further and further away from what
they'd been and what they should have remained. Now they're just
L.A. punks, tattooed thugs in baggy shorts. They're Axl Rose with
a vertical leap.
This is how bad it is: I would root for ASU to beat UCLA.
2. Stanford has won the Pac-10 crown, but finishing second with
freshmen playing all over the place would be a stunning achievement
for Lute Olsen and his squad.
I'm not usually the type where it's not enough for me to succeed;
everyone else must fail. But the only thing better than the UA
finishing at or near the top of the standings will be the fact
that highly-touted UCLA will finish beneath the Wildcats.
3. Did you see that picture of John Ash in last Friday's paper,
with his head in his hands? The poor dude was distraught over
losing to Cal. And that was just Cal. I don't ever want to see
a picture like that again. Do you understand me? And there's no
telling where his head might be if his team gets swept by UCLA
and loses on Senior Night at home to the infidels.
4. There's a very good chance Sports Illustrated will
name Jason Terry College Basketball Player of the Year. This means
he'd be featured on SI's cover for its NCAA Tournament
issue next week.
(And forget about all that nonsense about the cover being a jinx.
There may be isolated incidents where the cover person had some
bad luck later on, but look at the people who've been on the cover.
There was that horse once that had to be destroyed. And that Michael
Jordan guy got on the cover a few times and turned into the World's
Largest Anus. Rebecca Romijn was on the cover of the swimsuit
issue and nothing happened to her. No wait, she married John Stamos.
Okay, so maybe there is something to the jinx business.)
Just have the Cats beat UCLA, have JT go for 40, then have him
decline the cover shot. Ah, the celebrity, the mystique
of it all.
5. UCLA has been wearing BLACK road uniforms. This is the most
unholy transgression of them all. The school colors are powder
blue and gold. Do you see black there anywhere?
It's a vulgar attempt to get more money in retail sales of jerseys
to mindless street clods and other impressionable children. Over
the past decade, black has become the "in" color for
those morons who think they're pretty fly for a white guy.
The only problem is that it has absolutely nothing to do with
UCLA. One big thing that sports teams and institutions of higher
learning have in common is the burning need to cling to tradition
and reap the benefits derived therefrom.
When it comes to the history of NCAA basketball, UCLA is the
undisputed king. People might throw out names like Kentucky, Kansas,
and North Carolina, but UCLA has more championships than all of
those schools combined. Why turn your back on a heritage
like that just to sell a few extra over-priced shirts at Champs?
One good thing to note: The Bruins have a horrible record when
they play in those black monstrosities. Let's see if they're stupid
enough to wear them here. Yeah, put those things on in McKale
and then bend over.
One other note: According to fashion industry sources, the booming
sales of athletic gear have crested and are heading down. Today's
pathetic young people have moved on to hip-hop gear. Yes, they
want to plunk down $150 for a hot-orange faux baseball jersey
that says "FUBU" on the front and the idiotic "05"
on the back. This identifies the wearer as a member of a unique
group, one of a few hundred thousand people willing to spend their
entire week's pay at Wendy's to buy something they won't even
want to use to wash their car with in a couple years.
6. Nobody likes UCLA. Oh sure, there are probably a few UCLA
alums in the Old Pueblo, but they generally keep their dirty little
secret to themselves and we, in turn, leave them alone.
My friend Jay claims to be a UCLA fan, but I think it's just
a cry for help. He has other issues. He used to be a stud ballplayer
until Home Town Buffet opened. Now he's more like two stud ballplayers.
They even have a picture of him at the cash registers, like those
people who pass bad checks. When the video camera spots him coming,
the signs on the wall automatically switch over to "All You
Can Eat Within Reason."
Last time he was there, they told him he'd have to go through
the line sideways. He replied, "Dude, I don't have
a sideways!"
I don't know why he roots for UCLA. Maybe he's suicidal. Maybe
he feels like a loser inside, so he openly roots for a loser on
the outside.
Or maybe it's because he was born and raised in Los Angeles.
Naw, that can't be it.
7. Baron Davis thinks he's a baller. But he ain't even a shot-caller.
Hey, I listen to Hot 98-FM.
8. Over the Pac-10 years, games against Stanford have been exciting,
games with ASU have been tight, but games with UCLA have been
blood matches. And it's not just when the two are battling for
the top spot in the Pac-10. If they were fighting for 9th and
10th (God forbid!), it would still be nasty. We wouldn't want
it any other way.