We're all just prisoners here--and there's no free ice.
By Emil Franzi
IMAGINE YOU'VE JUST checked into a spacious resort with
stunning views, gourmet cuisine and all the amenities. You're
there to relax your body and rejuvenate your mind. But suppose
our local governmental entities were managing the hotel--we're
guessing you'd find a series of odd messages on voicemail...
First Message: Hi, this is the front desk. Listen, you're
going to have to move your car. That part of the parking lot is
being converted into our new spa. Parking up by your room will
be limited, so you may have go to the other end of the lot. Oh,
and since there's now less parking we'll have to add another $10
a day to your bill. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Second Message: Hi, this is the front desk again. We
got your call about the ice machines being out. Sorry, but we've
got a big convention and a lot of people brought their kids, so
we're short on ice. We can deliver from room service for $4 a
bag. Oh, after tonight there'll be meters on the ice machines
that only accept a room key--for a buck-a-bucket charge.
Third Message: Hi, listen we got your complaint about
the room service. Two hours isn't bad when you figure how many
people are staying here--I mean we are booked up, okay, with more
coming. And we know all the toast was white--hey, we ran out of
whole wheat and rye and muffins. And please note that we reserve
the right to change our prices without notice, so the extra three
bucks a plate for the eggs is perfectly legit! You're here on
AMEX, so you won't hit a limit.
Fourth Message: You people are starting to bug us. No,
we don't change the linen every day. We quit doing that when these
big conventions hit us. We don't have enough maids. Soon as we
get some aboard we'll go back to daily service, but it'll cost
you an extra $6 a night. Got it?
Fifth Message: All you people do is bitch-bitch-bitch.
Yeah, we just reduced the cable TV options--so what? You still
get more channels than a Motel 6. What'd you want?
Sixth Message: Yeah, we got the report about your stolen
car. The cops are swamped. Hey, they'll get to it. Next time
pay the extra $10 a day and park where the lights are brighter.
Seventh Message: Okay, we should've told you we closed
off one of the rooms in your suite and rented it to somebody else.
But we're busy--I mean, we got tons of new people checking in.
Who's got time to keep track of guests who are already here? And
no, they didn't see your camera.
Message Eight: Hi, I'm Marge, the customer service rep.
Gary, our manager, no longer wishes to talk to you. He thinks
you're pushy and expect too much. I can't say myself--I haven't
dealt with you yet--but we won't be able to adjust anything on
your bill. We're not responsible for the car or the camera or
the gunshots in the parking lot. And I'm sorry--we no longer
run a free shuttle to the airport for outgoing guests, just incoming.
If you'd like to reserve our airport shuttle, that'll be $14 per
passenger plus $2 per bag or large object. We hope you enjoyed
your stay, but we really don't care. The weather here is so bitchin'
we figure that's all we need.