PEACE FAIR: Start talking, learning about and celebrating peace at 11 a.m. Saturday, February 25, at the Reid Park Bandshell, where the Tucson Peace Fair will present dance, folk singer Nan Hoffman and music by local folk all day long. Lots of children's activities and a series of booths representing peace, justice and environmental groups are all included in this popular, free event. For more information call 795-8291.
CLOSING PARTY: New Doors of the Arts, 242 S. Park Ave., has a great space for art and parties, and you can get into both at a closing party for artists Zac Zakovi and Charles Piqué starting on Saturday, February 25. Zakovi's large stone and metal sculptures and Piqué's monotype prints and colorful paintings, music and dancing will all move your bones beginning at 6 p.m. For more information call 770-9950.
TUSD TALK: When the biggest school district around starts talking about its future, you'd better take notice. TUSD's Strategic Issues Committee is holding hearings to get comments on the new face of the district, and you're invited. Attend the hour-long meeting at 5:30 p.m. Monday, February 27, at Rincon High School Cafeteria, 422 N. Arcadia Blvd. Topics to be addressed include instructional programs and funding. A second meeting, on desegregation and integration, will be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, February 28, at the Rincon High Little Theater. Get involved--this district desperately needs ideas from intelligent and creative people. For more information call 617-7303.
HUMMINGBIRD HUM: How can you get those lively, lovely fluttering birds to your garden--with plants of course. Learn which plants to choose and how to arrange them when Russ Buhrow, Tohono Chul Park grounds curator, discusses Hummingbird Gardens at 2 p.m. Tuesday, February 28, at the Park's Wilson Room. $2 for non-members, free for members. RSVP to 7426455.
--Hannah Glasston
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