Our Bargain-Basement Siskel And Ebert Take A Whack At 'My Favorite Martian.'
By James DiGiovanna and Zachary Woodruff
THIS WEEK, FORMER Tucson Weekly film critic Zak
Woodruff and current reviewer James DiGiovanna discuss the latest
movie-based-on-a-TV-series, My Favorite Martian.
Zak: Oh boy, I get to go first. Well, the whole thing seemed
very familiar: Christopher Lloyd plays an eccentric with access
to advanced technology who shows up in a flying car and has to
get back to where he came from in a set amount of time.
James: Back to the Future?
Zak: Duh.
James: That's very clever--I wish I'd
thought of that.
Zak: Well, you'll say you did.
James: How come you're not the regular film reviewer
any more?
Zak: Don't ask. Anyway, the whole movie is based
on an Odd Couple scenario with Christopher Lloyd and Jeff
Daniels in the Oscar and Felix roles.
James: Except that Christopher Lloyd comes down from Mars,
attacks Jeff Daniels, Jeff Daniels retaliates with a golf club
to the head, Christopher Lloyd slams Jeff Daniels into the ceiling,
then suddenly they're best friends. There's no intervening
scene to explain it: It's just a fight then they're
buddies. It had the same internal cinematic logic as Showgirls.
Zak: But Showgirls was actually funny.
James: Did you know that Showgirls director Paul
Verhoeven has a Ph.D. in math and physics?
Zak: Has anyone ever told you that you're a boob
and a bore?
James: It's been mentioned. Okay. Anyway--My
Favorite Martian is supposed to be a kid's movie, but
it has all these really creepy, sexist scenes--Like, Christopher
Lloyd, who's the Martian, has this living suit that leaps
off his body, leaving him naked all the time. Then the suit goes
and starts spanking some woman in a clothing store dressing room.
Zak: When I was a kid that was the sort of thing that would
have turned me on, although I wouldn't have known I was
turned on.
James: So it's like pornography for children?
Zak: Basically, but they won't know it for another
15 years.
James: So--there's two female characters, the
good blonde (Daryl Hannah) and the evil brunette (Elizabeth Hurley).
Zak: Like in Archie comics--which, come to think
of it, also turned me on as a kid.
James: --
Zak: Sorry.
James: But they're both really two dimensional--.
Zak: Unlike Archie comics.
James: And Jeff Daniels plays a guy who's in love
with the brunette and whom the blonde is in love with.
Zak: Like Archie.
James: Yeah, it's that same dopey idea: the guy
likes the girl who's mean to him.
Zak: And Christopher Lloyd's Martian is like Jughead.
James: Except the Christopher Lloyd character is always
attacking women and sticking his tongue down their throats, and
they, of course, just swoon and love it. It's a very enlightened
Zak: To prove it, there's an enlightened message
at the end.
James: Yeah, for no reason, and without precedent, Christopher
Lloyd's character says, "You humans are going to
be okay if you just take care of your oceans." After a series
of poop jokes, this seemed a bit odd.
Zak: What is it with the flood of movies with poop jokes
lately? George of the Jungle, Dr. Dolittle, Nutty Professor,
Flubber--I've blocked many of them out.
James: It seems to be a Disney thing. Anyway--while
we're on the topic, what would be a good TV show to turn
into a movie?
Zak: I bet Gilligan's Island is coming down
the pike sometime soon. Probably with Julianne Moore as Ginger.
James: I'd like to see The McLaughlin Group:
The Motion Picture. Or The McLaughlin Group: The Revenge
of Pat Buchanan.
Zak: I wonder if we're as funny as we think we are.
James: I doubt it. Back to My Favorite Martian.
It was notable in being a comedy with no laughs.
Zak: Was there anything you liked about the movie?
James: I kind of liked the fact that it was a continuation
of the TV series, rather than just a film based on the series.
The continuity of the series still held: Ray Walston, who played
the Martian in the TV show, was in the movie, playing the same
character, who'd been stuck on earth since the '60s.
Zak: It's kind of like if they'd had Adam
West play Batman, with his saggy gut and all.
James: Yeah, that would have been touching. How about you? Did
you like anything about it?
Zak: The fact that Jeff Daniels got to kiss Daryl Hannah.
They make a nice little couple. A couple of blondes.
James: Yeah, blondes are cool.
Zak: Yeah.
My Favorite Martian is playing at Century Gateway
(792-9000), Century Park (620-0750), and Foothills
(742-6174) cinemas.