
It's Theatre That Colors In The Blanks.
By Margaret Regan
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN a whiter-than-white baby gets adopted
into a family of double-strength American ethnics?
Rachel, the fictional heroine of Carrie Hill's one-woman play
Try These on for Size, is the pale outsider in a dark New
York family whose Jewish genes are spliced with Sicilian. Seems
Bubba Iris fell hard for Grandpa Luigi at a high-school dance,
and ever since the Meyerwitz-Turco clan has been bonding at high
decibels, more often than not over a mixed platter of manicotti
and knishes.
Hill wrote the script and acts every part in her hour-long production
at the Temple's Cabaret Theatre. Directed by T. Greg Squires,
it's a funny/sad show divided into a series of sketches that gives
Bloodhut veteran Hill a chance to show off her acting. She moves
fluidly from character to character in Rachel's extended clan,
variously dropping or upping the register of her voice, assuming
a manly stance or aping the precarious body language of female
adolescence. Hill modifies her basic black-tights outfit with
an apron for angry Mom, a big shirt for arty Uncle Louie, and
a slutty jacket for troubled cousin Nicki.
Moving through a simple set of versatile boxes, with a cutout
of the New York City skyline as backdrop, Hill builds her story
gradually, hinting at the big picture through the impersonations
of six of Rachel's favorite relatives. The most lovable--and effective--is
feisty Bubba Iris. Decked out in mourning black hat and overcoat,
Bubba dispenses nuggets of life's wisdom at her husband's coffin,
first looking him over and yelling, "Oh, no, he doesn't look
so good." (She's insisted on a multicultural funeral: He's
embalmed and laid out in an open casket in the Temple; later she'll
sit Shiva.)
"He walked me home," she remembers of the long-ago
dance where they met, "and he didn't try to kiss me. After
that he was an animal, he couldn't keep his hands off me...And
that's the way it should be."
But nobody else in the family seems to have managed such a long,
loving and sturdy relationship. Rachel seems to have figured out
the reasons: We learn why Mom is angry, why Uncle Lou didn't pursue
a life in the theatre, why his three daughters, deprived of their
dad's attention, became women who can't love men.
But what of Rachel? Where are her anecdotes? Even in a play that's
ostensibly about her life, Rachel pales next to the colorful characters
of her family. Hill has bookended the production with some spoken
metaphors about theatre and life, which Rachel delivers to the
audience directly. She says theatre has helped color in her blanks,
that the rush of live drama "makes me feel less white,"
less invisible. Yet Rachel's extended family are the scene stealers
here. She still hasn't managed to make herself known.
Try These on for Size, a one-woman play by Carrie
Hill, continues through Saturday, February 13, at the Cabaret
Theatre of the Temple of Music and Art, 330 S. Scott Ave.
Curtain is 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday. Tickets are $8, available
at Bentley's or at the door. For reservations and information,
call 577-9182.