Dax Callner Merges The Porn Business With The Music Business.
By Dave McElfresh
LACKING THE NOOKIE part in your mix of sex, drugs and rock
and roll? Well, a small southern California label has recently
produced Porn To Rock, a collection of mostly dance songs
sung by guys and girls known for rocking in the naked sense of
the term.
"If there is any edgy business left, it's the adult film
industry," says Dax Callner, the producer and labelhead behind
this innovative project. "With the Pamela Anderson/Tommy
Lee and the Vince Neil/Janine Linedmuler videos, it seemed the
connection between music and porn was becoming more and more apparent."
In fact, it's hard to imagine watching video nasties or paying
for lap dances without some form of hardcore rhythm fueling the
ass-shaking. On Porn To Rock, more than a dozen
adult film stars pay tribute to the music styles that soundtrack
their careers. And much of it conveys a nastiness at least as
intriguing as what the stars do with their clothes off: Porn goddess
Madison's mix of Middle Eastern vocal droning over a Neil Young-ish
guitar groove is 100-percent libido, and Candye Kane's "The
Meat Song" harks all the way back to Lil Johnson's and Lucille
Bogan's double-entendre blues records from the '30s.
"All of these artists already had material recorded,"
says Callner, "so we listened and decided with them which
tracks to use for the record. In the case of Ginger Lynn, there
was only one song, so the decision was easy."
Ginger Lynn Allen, bless her, is gorgeous in the sense of that
heartbreaker ahead of you in the checkout line, rather than the
type found on the model walkway. She may be the most erotic adult
film star ever, and definitely the figure most responsible for
porn's early '80s move away from unobtainable, Playboy-glossy
goddesses, in favor of the girl-next-door fantasizing now filling
zillions of adult mags and videos in the $4-billion porn industry.
It's a transition that even many hardcore feminists find worthy
of approval. Lynn's "Fantasy World"--recorded
in 1985, right in the middle of porn's transition period and years
prior to everything else on the CD--stands out as the dance cut
setting the precedent for nearly everything else on the release.
Allen, who allegedly made 69 adult films before retiring from
the industry in the early '80s, occasionally interrupts her recollections
of the recording to attend to her child, who has the flu:
"I had some people approach me and they asked me to record
an album, and after six months of vocal lessons I flew to New
Jersey, to Jon Bon Jovi's cousin's studio. It was probably the
most frightening thing I've ever done in my life. We ended up
only doing the 12-inch single because my executive producer was
murdered, which put a damper on things."
Despite her music career having been snuffed, the blonde porn
goddess remains passionate about the current music scene. "I
just discovered Ani DiFranco. I was in the store with the headphones
on, going through different music and bought one album, which
led me to buy everything she's ever done. She has incredible range
and her lyrics are gritty and they hit home a lot." Allen
believes "there are a lot of great chick musicians out right
now. Bonnie Raitt, especially."
Allen grew up listening to Led Zeppelin, the Stones and Elton
John. But the backup music used on her tours of adult clubs falls
somewhere between her teen idols and the synth-heavy songs filling
Porn To Rock. "I'm really into AC/DC," she admits.
"They're the best, and I've never found another band that
comes anywhere near what they do. There's a difference between
metal and classic rock. I wouldn't say that I dance to anything
metal--apart from Metallica's 'Turn The Page.' "
Allen heard through the grapevine that Metallica, protégé
of AC/DC, was looking for her to star in the video. After meeting
with them regarding the story line, she agreed to appear. "I
don't really care to be in a video where I'm the bimbo. But this
is about a woman who has been a dancer for years and has a six
year-old daughter that Child Protective Services is trying to
take away because of her lifestyle." In the video, Allen's
character brings home a john who beats and rapes her. "The
story line is about a time in your life when you need to make
changes. Since then, I've had people email me through my website
(www.gingerlynn.com), thinking I'm really a hooker! God,
it's just a video, this is not really my life."
Even her childhood rock idol turned out to be guilty of thinking
that her porn star status meant she was a nymphomaniac.
"When I was growing up, I managed a Musicland store and
once got Zeppelin tickets," she recalls, "then found
out the concert was called off because Bonham OD'd. But I finally
got the chance to meet Robert Plant about eight years ago. My
heart was beating like crazy, I was so excited. I was backstage
and he came over to me and we shook hands and he said, is that
the hand you jerk cocks off with? My heart dropped to my feet,
and I knew why I was invited backstage to begin with. It was so
crushing to me because he was my childhood hero.
"And then he asked me out, to come back to his hotel room.
Being the people-pleaser that I am, I said, 'Oh yeah,' but then
I didn't show. Then the next day, a Thursday, I met my girlfriend
for tea at the Four Seasons in Orange County, and he walks into
the lobby. I'm thinking, oh my God, he's here, while he gives
me the dirtiest look."
Lynn's next project involving fellow adult film stars will be
an L.A.-based fundraiser to counter gang involvement. But her
foes and fans should not mistake her musical and philanthropic
interests as guilt-fueled moves away from her lusty past.
"I'm not ashamed of what I've done, and none of it means
I'm not a good mother. I would make the same choices if I had
to make them all over again. It will be 13 years this February
11 since I made an adult film! Back then it was so taboo, it wasn't
hip. But the people who acted in them liked what they did. There
wasn't a lot of money in it, and there was very little, if any,
fame. In contemporary videos, the models are drop-dead beautiful,
but they don't necessarily look like they're enjoying themselves.
I recently watched an adult movie and saw a girl moan before she
should have, and I thought, wait a minute, what's wrong with this
While producing Porn To Rock with Ginger Lynn and the
rest of the cast, Callner found traces of that camaraderie still
alive in the adult industry. "The most interesting thing
about putting together this CD was discovering how nice the porn
business people are. Certainly there are sleazy figures, but everyone
we've dealt with has been totally cool. They're like a big family.
Maybe it's because they are all fucking each other, I don't know."