The Mystery Of Pauline Réage Is Finally Laid To Rest.
By Jolie Chat
The Story Of O, by Pauline Réage (Ballantine
Books). Paper, $5.99.
THE STORY Of O appeared mysteriously in Paris in
1954. It opened with an essay by the celebrated Marxist intellectual
Jean Paulhan, "Happiness in Slavery," which discussed
an odd occurrence in Barbados in 1838 in which 200 slaves, newly
freed under an abolitionist regime, asked their former master
to take them back into servitude.
Paulhan's point, which he tried to put forward without losing
his Marxist cred, was that submission could be sought after, even
if it was only in cases of "bad faith" or a failure
to come to class consciousness.
The book that followed the essay was a bit more shocking, as
it described one woman's movement toward total slavery--first
to her lover, then to his half-brother, after the lover grows
bored by her. The book begins with this character, known only
by the letter "O," being taken to a private chateau
to be stripped of all the trappings of independence and turned
into a sexual servant with no will of her own.
It's actually the question of will that makes this more than
pornography (although there are an abundance of hot sex scenes,
if DS/BD/SM is your scene). Can someone willingly give up the
right to have a will? Do people really have the kind of freedom
to choose that capitalist philosophies and economies assume? Can
submission and the absolute surrender of all choice actually be
proof of the complete freedom of the individual, or even the freest
expression of will?
In asking these questions through its series of extremely graphic
sexual vignettes, the book draws parallels to the works of medieval
Christian mystics who excoriated the flesh and gave up all their
worldly velleity to more fully live as instruments of God's or
Christ's will. There are, in the S&M adventures of O, exercises
in overcoming the confines of the body through the infliction
of pain, just as one finds in St. Theresa or St. John of the Cross.
But there's also lots of steamy sex scenes, which are all but
missing from those mystics (although there's lots of hints about
St. Theresa's early lesbian encounters in her autobiography--good
reading for devout Catholic masturbators). There was also, until
the mid-'90s, the nagging question of who wrote The Story of
When the book was awarded the prestigious Deux-Magots prize in
1955, no author came forward to claim it, and efforts at uncovering
the identity of the mysterious Réage were unsuccessful.
There was some general consensus that Paulhan had written it,
since his was the only name associated with the book, but others
claimed it must have been written by a woman.
The evidence for this was, of course, entirely textual, but it
was compelling. The description of clothing in the book is very
rich and subtle, indicating that it was written by someone knowledgeable
in the nature of the materials and accessories of a wide variety
of women's fashions. Settings are given inordinate attention,
and many claimed that if a man had written the book the emphasis
would have been more simply on the mechanics of sex, and less
on mood-building elements and the psychological effects of outfits
and environments. Critics also claimed that O's internal narrative
was quintessentially feminine, something that no man could properly
have written. Others, of course, claimed this was all bunk, and
that you couldn't tell a writer's sex by his or her product.
Nonetheless, in 1994, the author--one Dominique Aury--came forward,
and her claims were well supported. Both the book's original publisher
and Jean Paulhan confirmed her story, which was nearly as interesting
as her philosophical/ pornographic novel.
Aury had chosen the name "Pauline Réage" because
it sounded like the French for "Reacting to Paulhan."
She had been Paulhan's lover, and when Paulhan said that they
would have to stop seeing each other, because he was married,
she wrote Story of O as an expression of her deep devotion
to him and the depths to which she would go to keep him. Luckily,
rather than re-start the affair on those terms he got the book
published, setting off Aury's literary career and providing her
with a steady source of income from the countless reprints, translations
and films that have come from O.
Aury died last year at the age of 83, not long after coming out
as Réage. She was able to spend her last few years basking
in the adulation of perverts around the world, who had turned
her book into one of the classics of erotic literature.