THE ENVELOPE, PLEASE: The list is ready. After all the gnawing over the names, all the drooling, fondling, erasing, adding and subtracting--we've got the list of TAMMIES (Tucson Area Music Awards) finalists ready for your perusal.
Before you check to see if your favorite artists are included, please remember what the TAMMIES are really about: recognizing the talents of Tucson's musical community and remembering all the pleasure they bring us. Most of these artists will be out playing between now and the weekend of Friday, March 31, and Saturday, April 1, when the TAMMIES Showcase Shuffle takes place at clubs all over town. Get out and see them and enjoy all they offer us.
Without further blabbering, here are the finalists, as selected by a blue-ribbon panel of local music industry experts and the staff of the Tucson Weekly.
Blues and Rhythm 'n' Blues: The Blues Kats; Blue Lizards; George Howard and The Roadhouse Hounds; Mike Hebert; and the Sam Taylor Blues Band.
Traditional and Ethnic Music: Arm & Hammer; Hot Desert Love Toads; The Mollys, Bwiya Toli; and Pablo Francisco Band.
Reggae and World Beat: Joy Bones; Neon Prophet; Pulse; Zebaah Niyah; and One Blood.
Acoustic and Folk (Solo artists): Bob DiNardo; Earl Edmonson; Jamie Anderson; Norman Kibble-Shane; Ron Pandy; Shep Cooke; Don Reeve; Sal Valdivia; Maggie Golston; and Elise Grecco.
Acoustic and Folk (Ensemble): Arnold Klingenfus Ensemble; Catacoustic Groove; Good Medicine; Stefan George and Songtower; and Titan Valley Warheads.
Jazz: Greasy Chicken; Lisa Otey; Mary Baker; 'Round Midnight; and Mulberry Street Ensemble.
Latino (Tex-Mex): Ambicion; Latin Express Band; Latino Sólido; LTD Band; and The Festival Band.
Latino (Grupos): Banda Super Galope; Crystal; Angel; Super Lobo; and Reflexión.
Latino (Jazz): Descarga and Rafael Moreno; Ismael Barajas; Sounds of Brazil; Latin Jazz Orchestra; and King Suave.
Latino (Norteno): Los Cascabeles; Los Diamant; Los Giros de Israel Parades; Oro; and Igalles de Norte.
Latino (Mariachi): Mariachi Saldivar; Los Changitos Feos, Mariachi Aztlan; Mariachi Tapatio; and Internacional Mariachi America.
Country/Western: Chuck Wagon and The Wheels; Saddle City Band; Saddletones; The Organ Donors; and Girls With Guitars.
Rock (Techno/Hip Hop): Black Moon Graffiti; Brash; Poetic Soul Jazz; Scar Strangled Banger; and Hooked On Chronics.
Rock (Punk): Feast Upon Cactus Thorns; Flavor Cage; Helldriver; The Fells; and The Weird Lovemakers.
Rock (College): Blues Crusher; Spacefish; Mood Indigo; Frank Lloyd Vinyl; Propaganda Child.
Rock (Heavy Metal/Hard Rock): Betty Stress; Born & Bred; Caesar Dora; Backlash; and Peace Bomb.
Rock (Alternative/Pop): Big Joe; Caitlin and The Stickponies; Dog and Pony Show; Fuzz; Gila Bend; Greyhound Soul; Joe Rush; Paula Jean Brown; Rich Hopkins and Luminarios; Shovel; StarCrunch; The Drakes; The Resonars; 35 Summers; Giant Sand; Ginger; Naked Prey; Phantom Limbs; Al Perry and The Cattle; and Chris Burroughs.
There they are--all 105 of them. You'll see this list reprinted in The Weekly in the future as we get closer to the Showcase Shuffle on March 31 and April 1. On those two nights these artists will fill stages across Tucson playing their music. You'll be able to sample sounds from as many different genres as it takes to sate your appetite and then pick your favorite artist in each category.
We'll honor all of Tucson's musicians, along with the favorites in each category as chosen by our readers, at the TAMMIES presentation on Wednesday, May 10.
LAST NOTES: Just when you thought the list of names was over, along comes Trulio Disgracias, an all-star band with a roster that rivals the TAMMIES in length.
The group includes members of Fishbone; Weapon of Choice; The Solsonics; Brand New Heavies; Suicidal Tendencies; Plum; Parliment; Spearhead; Red Hot Chili Peppers; Subject To Change and Electric Love Hogs. Yow!
They're all crowding together onto The Rock's stage on Saturday, February 4. Call 629-9211 for ticket information.
The Rock has Seattle's Jambay within its walls on Thursday, February 2. They're a fusion band--rock, folk and jazz.
Former Red Hot Chili Peppers and Dead Kennedys drummer D.H. Peligro now fronts Peligro, playing their funk-punk-metal at Club Congress on Friday, February 3. Fuzz and Fierce Bad Rabbit open the show. Call 622-8849 for info.
Acoustic guitarist Adrian Legg, plays along with Blue Monks and Michael Gulezian, on Sunday, February 5, in the Santa Rita Ballroom. Call 882-0755 for info.
The Santa Rita hosts Austin blues singer Lavelle White and fellow Texans Teddy Morgan and The Sevilles on Friday and Saturday, February 3 and 4. The Sam Taylor Blues Band opens both shows.
Royal Crown Revue swings, jives and bops back through Club Congress on Sunday, February 5.
Finally--The Mighty Clouds of Joy are at the University of Arizona's Centennial Hall on Tuesday, February 7. Call 622-3341 for ticket prices.
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