Former Tucson Councilman And County Drudge Michael Crawford Tells It Like It Ain't.
By Chris Limberis
MICHAEL CRAWFORD, once the Tucson City Council's Ward 3
seat-warmer and the assistant Pima County public defender who
failed to complete a special project he had more than a year to
work on, has embarked on a government spending and accountability
Crawford treated his buddy, John C. Scott, and listeners to Scott's
radio talk show to a lecture on what's wrong with county government
during a portion of his lengthy appearance on January 18.
Among the 33-year-old former assistant public defender's pronouncements:
- That the county is nothing more than an inefficient "jobs
program" where workers do not do their jobs and for whom
there is no accountability.
- That huge overruns on county projects, such as the Major
League spring training complex, are permitted without consequence.
- That the Pima County Board of Supervisors has a "slush
fund" from which members can spend at whim.
Crawford, whom county taxpayers gave $48,960 in annual salary,
has been a regular on the Scott show since his abbreviated Council
term. Confined to neither city nor county issues, he opined that
day about the lessons Tucson and society in general have learned
from the late Martin Luther King Jr. and the merits of naming
Tucson International Airport for the late Morris K. Udall.
Clearly seeking a much wider audience, Crawford on January 15
tried out for a guest spot on the popular ABC talk show Politically
Incorrect with Bill Maher.
Schmoozing with Scott, Crawford reported the tryout "was
a lot of fun," despite encountering what he said were "a
lot of jerks down there."
More fun, apparently, than work. Crawford was on county time
while he preened for the slot on Politically Incorrect
and handed off at least one case to a colleague in the Public
Defender's Office.
County records show that Crawford did not take personal time
for his Politically Incorrect tryout. And a fellow assistant
public defender made a substitute appearance for him at a Superior
Court hearing.
"A friend of mine, who I had covered for for a month while
he was in Germany, covered a case for me that day," Crawford
said. "It took two seconds."
Crawford said he used comp time during his television audition.
He said he worked the previous weekend to accrue that time off.
Crawford's duel debuts, as a county fiscal watchdog and social
commentator, came as county officials, including Administrator
Chuck Huckelberry and Public Defender Susan Kettlewell, were struggling
to contain costs. The county is facing a $5 million deficit at
the end of the 1998-99 fiscal year on June 30. Indigent defense
is more than $1 million over budget.
Kettlewell declined to discuss Crawford's media appearances and
work schedule, other than to say that as a county department head
she cannot baby-sit her workers.
Several sources within the Public Defender's Office said that
while Crawford had not generated complaints from the indigent
defendants he represented, his support staff deserved the credit.
Crawford had a regular case load consisting mostly of those accused
of property crimes and aggravated assaults.
Crawford's media plays also came as he packed his bags after
nearly five years in the Public Defender's Office. He's now going
to work civil and criminal cases from the fancy offices of O'Connor,
Cavanagh, Molloy & Jones. Crawford initially resigned effective
the day of his Politically Incorrect audition, but changed
that to January 22.
Some in the Public Defender's Office said Kettlewell is simply
happy to see Crawford go.
Appointed 10 years ago, Kettlewell is the longest-serving Public
Defender, a job that has historically produced high turnover.
She has seen, from the wrong side, that the best defense can be
a good offense. While still a councilman, Crawford met with some
members of the Board of Supervisors to bad-mouth Kettlewell.
Some of that behind-the-back criticism came as Crawford, then
a Democratic appointee to the northside Ward 3 City Council office,
was accommodated with a special work schedule and a special project
in the Public Defender's Office.
Fitted with a 30-hour work week, Crawford was asked to develop
a computerized evaluation system to rank cases in priority as
well as a computerized file of motions that could assist lawyers
in the office.
After 14 months, neither task was completed, according to Huckelberry
and other county officials familiar with the work.
Crawford insists the work was finished despite the many obstacles
he says the county had put in his way. When The Arizona Daily
Star reported in 1997 that Crawford failed to do the work,
Crawford did not dispute the story.
But he also did not accept responsibility. Instead he blamed
county computers and the difficulty in doing that job, as well
as his need to handle non-trial legal matters.
Two months later, Jerry Anderson blew Crawford out of the Ward
3 City Council office in the 1997 city primary election.
Now Crawford tells the John C. Scott Show that county
officials do not know where the county's money--this year the
budget totals $747 million--goes.
The county, Crawford confidently told Scott on January 18, "is
a jobs program where nobody does their job and doesn't do it efficiently,
and a lot of that has to do with accountability."
County workers and department heads "aren't held accountable."
He complained that "we have supervisors who don't even go
to the budget meetings."
The only member of the Board of Supervisors to skip annual budget
hearings, Ed Moore, a Democrat turned Republican, left office
in 1996. Records indicate no member of the current Board has missed
a budget meeting.
Crawford had praise for Democrat Sharon Bronson, Moore's successor
in northwest, west and rural District 3. He said he helped her
by providing her with copies of the city budget books and "suggested
they (supervisors) conform their budget to how the city operates."
But Bronson said she never received city budget books from Crawford
and would not have needed his assistance because she was a member
of the city's Budget Advisory Committee before taking her spot
on the Board of Supervisors.
Crawford also told his Scott show audience that the county "has
a slush fund built into their budget so each supervisor can distribute
money throughout the year, a contingency fund, but it's a huge
contingency fund that they are able to dole out favors to whatever
group they choose to do so."
The county this year set aside $6 million in a contingency fund.
Though higher than such funds in previous years, a contingency
fund is a typical component to city and county budgets. Aside
from their own budgets--around $225,000 each--to operate their
offices and staffs, supervisors cannot make unilateral spending
County Administrator Huckelberry, who went out of his way in
1997 to shield Crawford from criticism after the young lawyer
failed to complete the Public Defender's Office project, said
he doesn't mind hearing valid criticism.
"I take exception with his conclusions," Huckelberry
said "They are incorrect and based on false information.
He's an uninformed source."