
Christina Burke, co-owner of Clues Unlimited. I'm reading
A Very Long Engagement by Sebastien Japrisot, a
French novel that's been translated into English. It's about a
young woman whose fiancée, a soldier, is supposedly killed
in action during the Great War. She goes hunting for him, convinced
that he hasn't really been killed. It turns out that he and some
other men who were accused of cowardice were put out between the
French and German lines--it was basically a form of execution,
and also a lesson to other soldiers who might think they could
get out of fighting. The girl is an incredible heroine. She's
a young girl, she's a painter, and she's in a wheelchair, though
almost none of the other characters even mention this fact. She's
so determined that she's going to find her fiancée.
She hires a private detective and they track him down and eventually
find out the truth of what happened, which of course I'm not going
to divulge. It's a wonderful book with so many different levels--it's
about the horrors of war and it's a love story and it's a great
portrait of a determined woman who knows what she wants and how
she's going to get it.
Marcia Costello, an employee at Revelation Christian Books
and Gifts. I'm reading Six Weeks to a Simpler Lifestyle
by Barbara DeGrote-Sorensen and David Allen Sorensen. It's
written by a married couple who were challenged in mid-life to
take a closer look at how they were investing their resources--not
just their financial resources but also their personal ones. They
realized they had not made enough time or space in their lives
to make the choices that would fulfill them. They write that they
"threw up their hands over our excessive consumption."
Now, five years into the experiment, they write about how it's
still a challenge to scale back, to try not to, as Christians
say, "live as the world entices us to live," but rather
to live as their hearts' purposes really guide them. The book
gives fairly specific instructions to make choices in order to
simply; For example, to look at where can you prune back your
schedule to make room for more growth; then you re-prioritize
to treat a neglected area with the attention it deserves. The
authors challenge the reader to look at what's absorbing all of
their life resources--not just financial but everything that is
drained out of us as we try to maintain 20th-century living, and
to help us realize that we can make those conscious choices--to
stop and re-prioritize our time investments and our life-focus
investments. It's a reaffirming book.
Felipe Tapia Employee at Empress Adult Video & Bookstore.
I'm reading Destination: Void by Frank Herbert. It's about
these people who are clones of real people and who're sent up
into space in what they like to call a "tin egg." This
space ship, the tin egg, is preprogrammed with a bunch of mishaps
the clone people have to deal with. It's all about defining consciousness.
The people on the ship have to create an artificial life form
because their computer has failed. The people who sent them up
have this all planned out--that was their predestined idea, that
was the main problem, to get these clones who aren't really real
to create consciousness. The clones are as human as the actual
people, but they're property. I like this book because it's a
fresh and entertaining way to define consciousness--it asks questions
most people don't ask themselves. In the book, the leaders on
earth are trying to get the clones to help them define consciousness,
but they can't even prove that they're conscious themselves.