
From Brando To French Biker Culture.
By Gregory McNamee
The Perfect Vehicle, by Melissa Holbrook Pierson (W.W.
Norton). Paper, $13.
IN THIS ENTERTAINING vade mecum for the aspiring
Dennis Hopper, Evel Knievel, or perhaps Malcolm Forbes of the
family, journalist Melissa Holbrook Pierson sets out to explore
the motorcycle mystique. Her account ranges from peeks at by now
tired icons like the Marlon Brando of The Wild Ones to
fresher ones like the nascent French biker culture.
The French, of course, have an elaborate classification system
to distinguish true bikers from les sportifs, the sham
articles. For her part, Pierson calls the fixation with bikes
"motolust," and she admits to being a victim herself--one
of the growing number of women who reject the phallic-substitute
imagery long associated with "chicks on bikes" for what
is, all in all, a fun ride in the open air.
Pierson takes the reader on wild spins, hitting cross-country
races and motocross tournaments up and down the East Coast, cataloguing
the thrills and, especially, the manifold dangers that await:
"wet leaves, gravel, sand, decreasing-radius turns, painted
lines, tar patches liquefying in sun, antifreeze, oil deposits
at gas stations or toll booths, metal plates and manhole covers
made deadly by rain, a beam falling from the back of a truck,
heavy wind on a bridge," all the little things that can quickly
send a biker to the grave.
Pierson is often funny, often deep, occasionally sharp-edged,
and almost always right on the money. She is also fully aware
of her minority status within a minority culture--as she notes,
only 7 million Americans ride motorcycles, as against 20 million
who call themselves birdwatchers--and she does her best to convey
the spirit of motorcycling to the countless uninitiated. You don't
have to be a two-wheel devotee to appreciate Pierson's work, but
it probably helps. Still, even if you don't much care for motorcycles
or your mother won't let you ride one, this engaging memoir is
worth a look.