Top Ten in Books

Antigone Books best sellers for the week ending March 11, 2005
  1. The Dharma of Dragons and Daemons: Buddhist Themes in Modern Fantasy David R. Loy, Wisdom Publications ($14.95)
  2. How to Solve Our Human Problems: The Four Noble Truths Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Tharpa Publications ($12.95)
  3. Bad Cat: 244 Not-So-Pretty Kitties and Cats Gone Bad Jim Edgar, Workman Publishing ($9.95)
  4. The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseini, Riverhead Books ($14)
  5. Walter the Farting Dog: Trouble at the Yard Sale William Kotzwinkle, Dutton Books ($15.99)
  6. Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance Barack Obama, Three Rivers Press ($13.95)
  7. Leaving the Saints: How I Lost the Mormons and Found My Faith Martha Beck, Crown Publishers ($24.95)
  8. I Sit Listening to the Wind: Woman's Encounter Within Herself Judith Duerk, Innisfree Press ($13.95)
  9. Gilead: A Novel Marilynne Robinson, Farrar, Straus and Giroux ($23)
  10. Alta Mercedes Lackey, Daw Books ($6.99)