
Based on the novel by Ted Dekker, which is apparently ripped off from the joke script The Three from the movie Adaptation, Thr3e has the honor of being the worst film of 2007, even though this film came out in January, because there’s no way you could make a worse film, even if you tried so hard that Michael Bay shot out your butt. The story concerns a serial killer who leaves riddles as clues. This would be a clever idea if it hadn’t appeared in every Batman comic book since 1948. After killing the brother of a police detective, the serial killer decides to pick on a seminary student, which allows the film to pass itself off as Christian entertainment, when, in fact, there’s nothing Christian about it, unless making horrible movies was one of Christ’s commandments to his flock. The worst, or maybe best, part of Thr3e is the performance by Justine Waddell as police Det. Jennifer Peters. It’s almost impossible to describe her acting, but try to imagine a robot that’s been programmed by Keanu Reeves to imitate Christopher Walken, then bash it with a crowbar until you’ve eliminated its ability to understand English, and you’ll get some hint of the terror and wonder that Waddell provides.

Thr3e is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.

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