As traumatic as it might be to watch The Whistleblower, being involved in the story it depicts must have been impossible to forget. Told through the eyes of a Nebraska police officer who accepts a position as a United Nations peacekeeper in late-90s war-torn Bosnia, the film uncovers widespread rape and sex-trafficking, much of it involving the men Kathryn Bolkovac (Rachel Weisz) works with at the United Nations. Often, it is not the story of the war itself that is so powerful; it can just as easily be experiences that arise as a consequence of war that puncture our memories. That's certainly the case with The Whistleblower, thanks to a fearless performance by Weisz, and the decision by rookie director Larysa Knodracki to not play flag football with the facts. It may not be a technically superior movie, but it's a hard one to shake.