The Grudge

You’re going to hear a lot of horror fans complaining about The Grudge, a new horror film starring Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Sarah Michelle Gellar. This remake of the Japanese original Ju-on: The Grudge is liable to make rabid fans of Japanese horror pull their hair out in frustration. However, newcomers to this story have a good chance of being severely creeped by this tale of angry ghosts cursing all who enter their tainted home. Producer Sam Raimi (Spider-Man, the Evil Dead series) made the wise decision to hire director Takashi Shimizu, who directed the Japanese Ju-on in its theatrical version, as well as its Japanese sequel and video incarnations. Shimizu has had many takes at this story, and the Americanization of Ju-on retains many of the same scares that made the original so chilling. There are moments in this movie that qualify as some of the scariest in years.

The Grudge is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.

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