The Break-Up

There are some legitimate laugh-out-loud moments in The Break-Up, the much-hyped first screen pairing of Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston. It wrings laughs out of a painful situation, while giving its stars a chance to do some legitimate acting. The two play a couple who call it quits but must continue living together in the condo they own while it goes on the market. Each pushes the envelope of nastiness in an effort to make the other break and either move out or apologize. Vaughn and Aniston have good screen chemistry, even when they are ripping each other apart, and the film winds up being more than a straight-up comedy. Vaughn gets to do some of his best work yet, mixing some emotional punch with his trademark, fast-talking humor. The film’s final scene is easily its worst, and it leaves a bad taste in the mouth. While the end results are a bit uneven, it’s likable enough to recommend.

The Break-Up is not showing in any theaters in the area.

Cast information not available at this time.

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