This houghtful, funny and visually
inventive documentary is only partly
about a man’s attempt to eat nothing but
McDonald’s food for a month. While
director/star Morgan Spurlock’s
disgusting gustatory excursion (including
the vomiting of a Big Mac!) is the
narrative hook, most of the film focuses
on America’s growing obesity problem
and its health consequences. As
Spurlock puts on 20 pounds and loses
his ability to make love like a real man, he
also discovers that our school lunches
are little better than poisoned rat turds,
that McDonald’s own lawyers claim their
food is not good for you, and that four out
of five nutritionists think it would be a
good idea to never, ever, ever eat a
supersized order of sugar-coated cheese
fries. Plus, while he’s doing this, Spurlock
manages to be funny instead of preachy.
So peel yourself off the sofa and remove
the Big Mac from your gullet and go see
this while you can ... and if you feel like
that’s too much of a hassle, remember:
You can always gorge yourself on
giant-sized M&Ms and deep-fried,
lard-flavored popcorn while you watch.