Sensing a Theme?

Welcome to another exciting issue of the Tucson Weekly. You'll notice several delightful themes in this week's issue, including ...

· Vegetarianism. In a weird twist, both Tom Danehy and Connie Tuttle touch on it this week, and of course, it's mentioned in our Yum! dining guide. Check out Danehy, Tuttle , and Yum! (Be sure to keep Yum! for the A-to-Z Chow Scan listings, the most comprehensive list of recommended Tucson restaurants you'll find anywhere.)

· Education. Danehy touches on it, as does Jim Nintzel in The Range and Chris Limberis in Currents.

· The Media. Look for Walt Nett's take on the pending sale of the Star and its parent company, and don't miss Lee Allen's piece on a group of veteran Tucson broadcasters--most retired--who regularly meet for coffee to discuss the business.

That's a start. Play the "find a theme" game yourself. What fun that could be!

And be sure to pick up the Weekly next week for our Sex Issue, just in time for Valentine's Day. The theme there is obvious.