This biopic might have a couple of
storytelling flaws, but Jamie Foxx is
incredible as Ray Charles. He captures
his physical mannerisms, including that
tremendous smile, the constant swaying
and especially the keyboard playing. (Foxx
himself is an accomplished musician.)
Recordings—old and new—from Charles
himself (who cooperated with director
Taylor Hackford until his death last June)
substitute for Foxx’s voice, who does an
excellent job with the lip synch. While the
film is more than two-and-a-half hours
long, it could’ve been a little longer. It’s a
shame that it skips from somewhere
around 1965 (after Charles kicks a
near-20 year heroin addiction) to ’79 and
then ends. The 14-year skip feels abrupt
for a film that has taken plenty of time in
telling its story. These glitches keep the
film from being a great biopic along the
lines of Malcolm X.